Well_N Model - Inputs - Previous Crop Debris Dialog
Select Previous Crop Debris…from the WELL_Nmenu to view the Previous Crop Debris dialog. In this dialog we enter information regarding the previous crop grown in the field.
Previous Crop:Select the previous crop or None. If you select None then the subsequent questions do not need to be answered and are greyed out.
Date when Previous Crop Debris Incorporated:Enter the date when the previous crop was incorporated into the field. Method of Incorporation:Select the method used to incorporate the crop. Depth of Incorporation:Enter the depth of incorporation used on the crop in centimetres. Percentage Marketable Crop Removed from Field:Enter the percentage of marketable crop removed from the field. Percentage Plant Debris Removed from Field:Enter the percentage of plant debris removed from the field. Fresh Marketable Yield:Enter the fresh marketable yield of the crop in tonnes per hectare. See Marketable Yieldsfor more information.