Data Sources
Data Sources
For the latest list and latest versions of the software drivers for the various data sources visit the MORPH website or contact
At the time of writing the following data sources are supplied with a standard MORPH installation:-
ASCII Files This data source is intended for when there is no direct driver for the type of weather station in use. The columns in the ASCII file are delimited by tab, space,comma or any combination of the three.
The first row of the file should contain:
Date Time <Label for Channel 1> <Label for Channel 2> etc.
The second and subsequent rows should contain dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss <Channel 1 value> <Channel 2 value> etc
For example:-
Date Time Air_Temp Rainfall
01/01/2000 00:00:00 -1.2 0.0
01/01/2000 01:00:00 -1.6 0.0
Click here to download an example ASCII file
Adcon AddVantage 3.30 Use the AddVantage manager to install the MORPH extension from the D/loggers\Adcon directory. This will automatically transfer the Adcon data to MORPH when the AddVantage software is used, provided an initial data transfer has been made in MORPH
Delta T Files -32 bit This logger will prompt for a Delta T file (*.DAT) when data transfer is selected in MORPH
Manual Summary Data The user will be asked to enter values for minimum/maximum daily air temperature and daily total rainfall.
Metos ASCII 32-bit files
Skye Helios 32-bit
Skye Lynx 32-bit Copy the file MRH_Lynx.exe from the “\Loggers\Skye” directory of your MORPH installation into the C:\SkyeData directory. This will transfer the Skye data to MORPH when the Skye Lynx software is used, provided an initial data transfer has been made in MORPH
Skye Wizzcom 219 This will automatically transfer the Skye Wizzcom data to MORPH when the Skye Wizzcom software is used, provided an initial data transfer has been made in MORPH