WMS response to the HE White Paper
WMS is greatly encouraged by the announcement of the HE White Paper and the comments in the Commons from the Universities Minister that graduate entry medical students will have access to student loans from 2012. As the UK’s largest all graduate entry medical school, this will provide some reassurance and added clarity to those students who wish to join us at Warwick Medical School.
Information received from the Department of Health states that students beginning our accelerated programme in 2012 will pay £9,000 (eligible for a loan from the Student Loan Company). For years 2, 3 and 4, the cost to student will be £5,625 (eligible for student loan) with the NHS Bursary covering the remaining £3,375.
We understand that the funding arrangements explained here are interim arrangements and apply only to students starting studies in 2012.
We will be working to draw up guidance for students, and will seek to update these pages as further information becomes available.
For the full BIS press notice and White Paper see: http://www.bis.gov.uk/news/topstories/2011/Jun/he-white-paper-students-at-the-heart-of-the-system
Professor Peter Winstanley
Dean, Warwick Medical School
For further information on how to train to be a doctor, please see our MB ChB programme pages: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/med/study/ugr