Can we just remind everyone to complete all paperwork as accurately as
possible as it is this data that will be analysed to determine whether or
not the intervention has an effect.
Missing data can have an enormous effect on the outcome of the trial.
Additionally, this record is your only clinical legal record of the
contact that you have with the PreFIT patients so it should be of the same
high standards as your normal physiotherapy notes
Please ensure that you complete all of the appropriate boxes at every
single contact i.e. even when you talk to the participants on the phone you
should be asking them about each exercise in turn and recording what they
tell you about reps, weights etc.
Please remember to always complete:
PreFIT ID on each page
Date and type of contact
Starting and finishing level (at initial and final assessments)
Amount of weights, reps, support and time held for all the strength and
balance exercises being undertaken
Have they progressed at each contact?
How many times they have exercised in the past week
Amount of walking done in a day?
How many times a week are they walking this amount?
Are they mainly walking indoors and outdoors?
And please initial all boxes that you complete.
Please do not use “as above” or “as previous” and there should be no
blank/empty boxes at any contact time unless you have not given them that
particular exercise.
We have tried to make the paperwork as user friendly as possible and
hopefully it should not take too long to complete but if you have any
suggestions as to how it can be improved further then please let Susanne
Additionally, as more and more completed paperwork now starts to make its
way back to us, we will be offering a prize each month to the therapist who
returns the best paperwork!
PreFIT Exercise Forum
PreFIT Exercise Forum
The importance of accurate paperwork
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