We will be sending a monthy database to capture an update of how the
participants who have been referred for treatment are getting on.
I have enclosed the instructions for completing this database.
*How to complete the Monthly MFFP Exercise Database*
This database will mainly be completed by the team undertaking the MFFP
assessments but you made need to add the date that you saw the participants
for their physio assessment.
The PreFIT treatment database is an Excel spreadsheet that will be emailed
to you each month to ask for an update on the patients referred for
treatment. This is just so we can keep up to date with how things are going,
as there is sometimes a lag between getting all the paperwork back. This
would be really helpful for us.
You may be very familiar with MS Excel databases, but if not, don’t worry
– just phone or email and we can go through it. The spreadsheet has 2
‘sheets’ which you can view by clicking on the tabs at the bottom of the
page: The Summary Sheet and The Referrals sheet.
*The Summary Sheet*
This first Summary sheet lists the number of referrals to be seen and give
you their risk level (high or intermediate). As you complete the next sheet,
this information will update automatically so you do not have to enter
anything here
*The Referrals Sheet*
This sheet has a column header and then all the participant ID numbers are
listed down the left hand side of the sheetThe 3rd column (Column C) is the
participants’ risk status e.g. high or intermediate 1, 2 or 3 (the key for
this is on the summary sheet).
The initial date of assessment (Column D) will refer to the assessment
carried out by the MFFP team.
You will need to complete the date seen by physio column (Column L) only.
The comments column is for any other information that you feel is
necessary or important.
Any new information that you add to the database will appear in red.
Please save the changes you have made and send the database back to your
local Research Nurse or me attached in an email (S.K.Finnegan@warwick.ac.uk)
PreFIT Exercise Forum
PreFIT Exercise Forum
The monthly database - exercise referrals following MFFP assessments
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