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Community CPR Awareness and Training Workshops

A cardiac arrest is when someone’s heart stops beating, they stop breathing and collapse.

Did you know that if you have a cardiac arrest and someone nearby helps quickly, it might save your life?

Did you know that many people want to help but are not sure how.

It’s important that all communities are given chances to find out how to help in ways appropriate to their lives and cultures.

This workshop aims to raise awareness and provide some skills training. Would you like to learn more?

Come along to a free workshop to learn life-saving CPR skills

What are we doing?

We would like to invite you to take part in a free local Community CPR awareness and training workshop.

This workshop is part of a research study to find out how well a workshop like this works for your community and other communities like yours.

There will be about 15 people at the group, and it will take about two and a half hours. Refreshments will be provided.


What does this workshop involve?

The workshop will have 2 parts:

1. Talking about what is a cardiac arrest and how to help during a cardiac arrest. We also want to talk about how to feel more confident to help during a cardiac arrest.

2. Training on how do CPR and use a heart restarter machine by qualified trainers.

We can arrange to have an interpreter present at the workshop – let us know if this would be helpful.

How can I find out more?

More information about what it means to take part in the workshops for you can be found in the following documents:

Participant Information Leaflet

Data Details Leaflet

Consent Form

How can I sign up?

We are currently organising a group at Middlesbrough Central Mosque & Community Centre (MCMCC) in Middlesbrough on Wednesday 22nd May 2024.

More details can be found here.

To find out more, register your interest hereLink opens in a new window