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WCPM Seminar 2015/2016 survey results

Mark the date: Tuesdays, 4-5pm in term time: WCPM seminar in D202!

The survey we started after the end of last term about the future of the WCPM seminar yielded a clear preference for the 4-5pm slot on Tuesdays (more than 2/3 of respondents found it convenient, only 2 respondents would be unavailable, and it does not seem to clash with any other periodic events). Thank you all for your time to fill out that survey.

Tue 04 Aug 2015, 17:41 | Tags: Events

WCPM move-in day: Engineering Extension

The Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling has finally moved to its proper home: The D-Block extension of the Engineering building. Please do come by and have a look around our new digs, they're on the second floor of Engineering, off the corridor connecting towards the science concourse (A block). Just skip up the stairs (accessible entrance available), enter through the door and turn to your left.

Thu 16 Jul 2015, 17:00 | Tags: Events

WCPM Seminar 2015/2016 - survey

The WCPM seminar will soon start its summer break, but it will definitely be back in October – in our own seminar room in the Engineering extension. This will give us a litte more flexibility and we would greatly appreciate your input on how to improve our seminar. The most interesting question would be the time clashes with other regular events. We've created a little anonymous survey [EDIT: Survey is closed, see new post], and we would be very grateful if you could spend a couple of minutes to fill it out or send us an e-mail at wcpm dot contact at warwick dot ac dot uk.

Fri 19 Jun 2015, 13:51 | Tags: Events

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