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Science Highlight: Molecular Dynamics with On-the-Fly Machine Learning of Quantum-Mechanical Forces

A new molecular dynamics scheme which combines first-principles molecular dynamics and machine-learning (ML) techniques in a single information-efficient approach coauthored by WCPM member James Kermode has been published in Phys. Rev. Lett this week.

Fri 06 Mar 2015, 16:20

Open positions

There are two new open positions within the WCPM: PDRA on Machine Learning and RA on Scientific Software Engineering

Wed 25 Feb 2015, 11:36

WCPM Seminar Series

Our seminar series is starting this Thur 8th Jan at 4pm in LIB1. The first speaker will be Jesper Kristensen from Cornell.

Mon 05 Jan 2015, 10:31

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