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Intercultural Skills (Old)

This section of GlobalPAD Open House offers the following resources:

Global People website

A major resource for people living and working in intercultural contexts:

The Global People project focused on international partnerships and resulted in several resources, including the Global People competency framework, the Global People landscaping study and the Global People toolbook.

Core Concept Compilations

Compilations of quotations on key topics in the intercultural field:

What is culture?


Critical Incidents

Feedback: Please let us know if there is a particular 'Core Concept Compilation' that you'd like us to develop. You can email your ideas to us at


Intercultural Professional Development Tools

Tools for managing intercultural partnerships in international projects

3RP Intercultural Learning Journal Template: A tool with detailed prompts to help people record and reflect on intercultural encounters/critical incidents.

For research tools associated with intercultural relations, please visit our Research Skills section.