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Resource Websites

History of English Language Teaching

Warwick ELT Archive

A stand-alone, browsable historical collection of published and unpublished materials relating to the teaching of English as a foreign language and the development of applied linguistics, c.1880–c.1980. The aim is to help researchers and practitioners worldwide to explore the history and heritage of English language teaching.

Teaching English in Large Classes (TELC)


A list of publications by members of the TELC network and others, with links to some of the publications.

Training materials

These training materials were developed for a group of Malaysian pre-service teacher trainees in January 2012. They are made freely available here for use by other teacher educators.

Learner Autonomy

A Comprehensive Bibliography

A comprehensive chronological list of books, reports, journal special issues, conference proceedings etc. connected with learner autonomy in language education (1970+).

Rare early sources

Archive of difficult-to-obtain writings on learner autonomy. Some rare early sources have been digitalised and are available here.

English Language Teacher Education Journals

ELTED Journal

ELTED (English Language Teacher Education and Development) is an annual peer-reviewed journal (ISSN 1365-3741) for the worldwide ELT community. The journal is targeted at all those involved in English language teacher education and development worldwide, for whom there are as yet few professional journals.