Athena Swan
What is Athena SWAN?
The Athena SWAN Charter was originally developed in conjunction with the Equality Challenge Unit (ECU) to advance the representation of women in STEMM disciplines in higher education and research. Launched in June 2005, it recognised and celebrated good employment practice in the recruitment, retention and promotion of women in STEM. In May 2015, the Charter was expanded to include all academic disciplines, to include professional and support staff, to direct attention on equality more broadly, the intersection of gender and ethnicity, and the experience of trans-staff and students.
Athena SWAN and CEDAR
CEDAR was awarded an Athena SWAN Bronze Award following its submission in April 2016, confirming that CEDAR has a solid foundation for eliminating gender bias and for developing an inclusive culture, which values all staff. A second submission In November 2020 resulted in Bronze Renewal for a further 5 years, demonstrating progress against our previously identified priorities.
CEDAR's application for a Bronze Award in November 2020.
Details about the Charter are described on the University’s Athena SWAN page.
The University holds a Silver Award and is actively encouraging all Schools and Departments to apply for departmental awards.