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Previous Conferences


19th Seattle Club Conference on Research in Intellectual Disabilities.
London (UCL), December 16-17th, 2019.

David Felce Research Lectures: ‘The long term prognosis for individuals with autism?' Patricia Howlin, Kings College London; ‘The question of desire and the offerings of self-advocacy.’ Dan Goodley, Sheffield University

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18th Seattle Club Conference on Research in Intellectual Disabilities.
University Centre Shrewsbury, December 3rd-4th, 2018.

David Felce Research Lecture: 'Is it possible to treat sex offenders with an intellectual disability?' John Rose, University of Birmingham

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17th Seattle Club Conference on Research in Intellectual Disabilities.
The Centre for Developmental Disorders, Durham University December 18-19th 2017

David Felce Research Lecture: 'Facing the unknown: intolerance of uncertainty and anxiety in Autism and Williams syndrome'. Jacqui Rodgers, Newcastle University.

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16th Seattle Club Conference on Research in Intellectual Disabilities.
Glasgow Caledonian University, December 12-13th 2016

David Felce Research Lecture: 'Learning disabilities and health'. Sally-Ann Cooper, University of Glasgow and Scottish Learning Disabilities Observatory.

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15th Seattle Club Conference on Research in Intellectual Disabilities.
Cardiff University’s Hadyn Ellis Building, December 10-11th 2015

David Felce Research Lecture: 'The healing game' interventional health care for people with an intellectual disability. Mike Kerr, Institute of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience, Cardiff University

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14th Seattle Club Conference on Research in Intellectual Disabilities.
Canterbury Cathedral Lodge, December 11-12th 2014

Keynote Speech: How does research have an impact on the daily lives of people with intellectual disabilities? Prof. Chris Hatton, Centre for Disability Research, Lancaster University & Co-Director of the Public Health England Learning Disabilities Observatory.

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13th Seattle Club Conference on Research in Intellectual Disabilities.
Radisson Blu Cardiff, December 9-10th 2013

Keynote Speech: The Confidential Inquiry (CI) into the premature deaths of people with intellectual disabilities in England. Dr Pauline Heslop, Norah Fry Research Centre, University of Bristol

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12th Seattle Club Conference on Research in Intellectual Disabilities.
St Georges Hotel, Riverside Hotel, Kendal, Cumbria, December 13th and 14th 2012

Keynote speech "Intellectual Disabilities and the Criminal Justice System: Recent Research and Remaining Questions - Professor Glynis Murphy, Tizard Centre, University of Kent

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11th Seattle Club Conference on Research in Intellectual Disabilities.
Selwyn College Cambridge, December 7th and 8th 2011

Keynote speech: The design and function of specialist services for adults with LD: what are they here to do and how should they do it? - Professor Tony Holland, University of Cambridge

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10th Seattle Club Conference on Research in Intellectual Disabilities.
St Georges Hotel, Llandudno, North Wales, December 6th-7th 2010

Keynote speech "An ordinary life" 30 years on: Why and how to study the influence of living arrangements. Professor David Felce, Cardiff University

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9th Seattle Club Conference on Research in Intellectual Disabilities.
University College London, December 7th-8th 2009

Keynote speech: Global challanges to the rights of persons with disabilities and their full inclusion. Professor Nora Groce, University College of London

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8th Seattle Club Conference on Research in Intellectual Disabilities.
Newcastle, December 1st-2nd 2008

Keynote speeches: Research on behavioural phenotypes and implications for practice. Chris Oliver, University of Birmingham

The role of research in intellectual disability policy and its delivery in the UK. Rob Greig, Chief Executive, National Development Team.

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7th Seattle Club Conference on Research in Intellectual Disabilities.
University of Glasgow, December 10-11th 2007

Keynote speech: Using developmental models to understand intellectual disability. Derek Moore, University of East London.

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6th Seattle Club Conference on Research in Intellectual Disabilities
Brewery Arts Centre, Kendall, December 11-12th 2006

Keynote speech: Whose knowledge is it anyway? Reflections on inclusive research - Gordon Grant, Sheffield Hallam University.

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5th Seattle Club Conference on Research in Intellectual Disabilities
Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff , December 8-9th December 2005

Keynote speech: Asking some more interesting questions in intellectual disability research: The case of family adjustment - Richard Hastings, University of Wales, Bangor.

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4th Seattle Club Conference on Research in Intellectual Disabilities
Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge, December 16 – 17, 2004

Keynote speech: Poverty, socio-economic status and people with intellectual disability - Eric Emerson, Insti tute of Health Research, University of Lancaster.

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3rd Seattle Club Conference on Research in Intellectual Disabilities
University of Edinburgh, December 11 - 12, 2003

Keynote speech: Investigating links between genetic syndromes and behavioural and psychiatric disorders - Professor Tony Holland University of Cambridge

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2nd Seattle Club Conference on Research in Intellectual Disability
University of Birmingham 16 - 17 December 2002

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1st Seattle Club Conference on Research in Intellectual Disabilities
University of Birmingham 17-18 December 2001

Theme: Cognitive, Behavioural, and Emotional Functioning in Intellectual Disability.

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