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Professor Peter Langdon

Job Title
Professor of Clinical Psychology
Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research
+44 (0) 2476 522912
Research Interests

Key Research Interests: Neurodevelopmental disorders; Developmental psychology; Forensic mental health; Psychological therapies with people who have neurodevelopmental disorders; Clinical trials with special populations


Peter completed his undergraduate degree in psychology at Memorial University of Newfoundland. He was awarded a Lord Rothermere Fellowship and qualified as a clinical psychologist in 2000 from the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College, London. He completed his PhD at the Tizard Centre, University of Kent as an NIHR Research Fellow. He then completed an NIHR funded postdoctoral fellowship. He is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society and was awarded the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD) Distinguished Achievement Award for Research in 2022. He is serving as a member of the Board of Directors of IASSIDD from 2024 to 2026.

He has worked within secure mental healthcare with offenders with intellectual and developmental disabilities for over twenty years. His research interests fall broadly within the area of developmental psychology and include the adaptation and evaluation of psychological therapies for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. He is a non-medical approved clinician as defined with the Mental Health Act. He is registered as both a clinical and forensic psychologist, and is Honorary Associate Director of Research for Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust. He currently has a joint appointment together with Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust where he is a responsible clinician working within forensic mental health services with autistic men. Peter has supervised numerous clinical psychology trainees and PhD students and would welcome approaches from potential students and trainees.

Peter has completed a variety of funded research projects involving people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities. These include a randomised control trial of group cognitive behavioural therapy for people with Asperger Syndrome and high functioning autism who also have problems with anxiety (PAsSA Trial), and more recently, and together with colleagues, an HTA funded randomised control trial of EMDR for people with intellectual disabilities (Trauma-AID), and an HTA funded randomised control trial of sertraline for the treatment of anxiety disorders in autistic adults (STRATA), as well as an NIHR funded study examining hospital care pathways for adults with autism detained in hospital (mATCH Study).

Peter is the co-convenor of RADiANT (ReseArch in DevelopmentAl NeuropsychiaTry) together with Professor Regi Alexander, Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust. RADiANT is a consortium of NHS service providers which works in collaboration with academics in a number of universities. It seeks advice from service users, patients, families, charities, community leaders and a range of statutory bodies and organisations. RADiANT focuses on mental health and behavioural issues associated with five developmental conditions- Intellectual Disability (ID), Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Epilepsy (EPI) and Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). It is hosted by Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT).

Recent Grants

National Institute for Health and Care Research - Health and Social Care Delivery Research, 2023-2026. High-quality Mental Capacity Act Assessments for Everyone: Improving Leadership, Assessment Procedures, and Patient Support (HELPS). £912,739.52. Chief Investigator: Professor Domenico Giacco. Co-applicant: Professor Peter Langdon.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. New Frontiers in Research Fund, Special Call, 2023-2025. Mobilising environments to improve psychological and physiological experiences of thriving in autistic people.$484172. Chief Investigator: Dr Jonathan Weiss. Co-applicant: Professor Peter Langdon

National Institute for Health and Care Research - Health Technology Assessment, 2023 to 2024. Medication support interventions and strategies for people with learning disabilities - a mixed methods evidence synthesis. £318545. Chief Investigator: Dr Yen-Fu Chen. Co-applicant: Professor Peter Langdon.

Youth Endowment Fund, 2023 to 2026 - Standard Teen Triple P for parents/carers of 11-15 year olds at the edge-of-care: a randomised controlled trial. £530116. Chief Investigators: Professor Kylie Gray and Dr Paul Thompson. Co-applicant: Professor Peter Langdon.

Youth Endowment Fund, 2022 to 2025 - A randomised controlled trial of brief solution focused Therapy with 10-17-year-olds presenting at policy custody: the Solutions Trial. £828414. Chief Investigators: Dr Sam Flynn and Professor Peter Langdon

National Institute for Health and Care Research- Health Technology Assessment, 2021 to 2025. Guided self-help for depression in adults with autism spectrum disorders (ADEPT-2). £1,675,292. Chief Investigator: Dr Ailsa Russell. Co-applicant: Professor Peter Langdon.

National Institute for Health and Care Research - Health Technology Assessment, 2021 to 2025. A randomised control trial of group cognitive behavioural therapy for men with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and harmful sexual behaviour. £1,545,849. Chief Investigator: Professor Glynis Murphy. Co-applicant: Professor Peter Langdon.

National Institute for Health and Care Research - Health Technology Assessment. Behavioural interventions to treat anxiety in adults with autism with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities (BEAMS-ID). Chief Investigator: Professor Peter Langdon. £197341.71.

National Institute for Health and Care Research - Health Technology Assessment, 2020 to 2022
Specific phobias in children with learning disabilities (SPIRIT): An adaptation and feasibility study. Chief Investigator: Professor Kylie Gray. Co-applicant: Professor Peter Langdon. £199992.90

National Institute for Health and Care Research - Health Services and Delivery Research. Mapping and evaluating services for children with learning disabilities and behaviours that challenge (MELD). Chief Investigator: Professor Richard Hastings. Co-Applicant: Professor Peter Langdon £1,245,271.00

Youth Endowment Fund, 2019 to 2022 - REducing the risk of criminal exploitation using multi-SystEmic Therapy (RESET Study). Chief Investigator: Professor Peter Langdon. £299728.00

National Institute for Health and Care Research - Health Technology Assessment, 2019 to 2021- A multicentre double-blind placebo-controlled randomised trial of SerTRaline for AnxieTy in adults with Autism (STRATA) Chief Investigator: Dr Dheeraj Rai. Co-Applicant: Professor Peter Langdon. £1,669,262.68 (+ AUD $557,029.40 by NHMRC Australia to Leonard H, Starkstein S & Glasson E for Perth centre)

National Institute for Health and Care Research - Health Technology Assessment, 2019-2022 - Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing for symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in adults with intellectual disabilities (Trauma-AID). Chief Investigator: Professor Peter Langdon £1,258,097.68.

National Institute for Health and Care Research - Research for Patient Benefit, 2019-2022 - Making positive moves: What support do people with Learning Disabilities need to remain living in the community after moving under the Transforming Care Programme. A qualitative longitudinal study. Chief Investigator: Dr Louisa Roades. Co-Applicant: Professor Peter Langdon. £350,000

Nuffield Foundation - 2018 to 2021- Development of an assent-based process for the inclusion of adults with impairments of capacity and/or communication in ethically sound research. Chief Investigator: Dr Karen Bunning. Co-Applicant: Professor Peter Langdon. £378,204

National Institute for Health and Care Research - Health Service and Delivery Research, 2017 to 2020 - Clinical and cost effectiveness of intensive support teams for adults with intellectual disabilities and challenging behaviour. Chief Investigator: Professor Angela Hassiotis. Co-applicant: Professor Peter Langdon. £763,483.97

Royal College of Psychiatrists and Health Education England 2016 - A systematic review of initiatives to reduce or close inpatient services for people with intellectual disabilities. £15,000

National Institute for Health and Care Research - Research for Patient Benefit, 2015-2018. People with autism detained within hospitals: defining the population, understanding aetiology, and improving care pathways. Chief Investigator: Professor Peter Langdon. £350,000.00

Title Funder Award start Award end
BRIDGING - BReakthrough Interview extenDed reality traininG towards reducing the autIsm employmeNt Gap National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Jun 2023 31 May 2026
A psychological programme for adults with intellectual disability and harmful sexual behaviours - HaSB-IDD Trial National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Oct 2021 31 Mar 2026
High-quality Mental Capacity Act assessments for Everyone: improving Leadership, assessment Procedures, and patient Support (HELPS) (NIHR HSDR Stage 2) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Sep 2023 28 Feb 2026
Digital Health Participation of People with Intellectual Disabilities: A Longitudinal Modelling and Digital Diary Study - (University of Wolverhampton Leading) (original 73330) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), School of Social Care Research NIHR 01 May 2023 31 Dec 2025
Mapping and Evaluating Services for Children with Learning Disabilities and Behaviours that Challenge (MELD) National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Feb 2021 30 Sep 2025
Standard Teen Triple P for parents/carers of 11-15 year olds at the edge-of-care: A Randomised Controlled Trial with internal pilot (Full Application, outline 73702) Youth Endowment Fund 01 Feb 2023 15 Apr 2025
The development and feasibility of attentional bias modification training with adults who have intellectual disabilities Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust 01 Oct 2021 31 Mar 2025
A multicentre double-blind placebo-controlled randomised trial of SerTRalineTy in adults with Autism (STRATA) National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2019 31 Mar 2025
Guided self-help for depression in adults with autism spectrum disorders ADEPT National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Sep 2021 28 Feb 2025
The Solutions Trial EOI: Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust (YEF) Youth Endowment Fund 25 Feb 2022 31 Jan 2025
Improving Anxiety in people with mild to moderate intellectual disability. (Olivia Hewitt). National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Mar 2021 01 Oct 2024
NIHR HTA Stage 2: Medication support interventions for people with learning disability National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Sep 2022 30 Jun 2024
Local Clinical Research Network funding - LCRN Core funding for 2022-23 - excess treatment costs for NHS Trust sites (Main project record 64326) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 30 Nov 2022 29 Nov 2023
Making positive moves: What support do people with Learning Disabilities need to remain living in the community after moving under the Transforming Care Programme. A qualitative longitudinal study National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Sep 2021 31 Aug 2023
TraumaAid National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 May 2019 30 Apr 2023
Specific phobias in children with learning disabilities (SPIRIT): An adaptation and feasibility study National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jan 2021 31 Mar 2023
REducing the risk of criminal exploitation using multiSystEmic Therapy Youth Endowment Fund 01 Feb 2022 28 Feb 2023
Behavioural interventions to treat anxiety in adults with autism and moderate to severe intellectual disabilities (BEAMS ? ID) National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jan 2021 31 Dec 2022
Development of an assent-based process for the inclusion of adults with impairments of capacity and/or communication in (AwiCC) in ethically-sound research Nuffield Foundation 01 Oct 2020 30 Sep 2022
REducing the risk of criminal exploitation using multiSystEmic Therapy Youth Endowment Fund 01 Nov 2019 31 Jan 2022
Clinical and cost evaluation of intensive support teams (IST) for adults with intellectual disabilities and challenging behaviour National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Sep 2019 30 Apr 2021
Development of an assent based procedure for the inclusion of adults with impairments of capacity and/or communication in ethically sound research Nuffield Foundation 01 Sep 2019 30 Sep 2020
Capacity building analysis Youth Endowment Fund 01 Mar 2020 31 Aug 2020