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Supervisor Survey

You have been selected to complete this survey as you have supervised (or are supervising) one or more IBM MBA project and dissertations. Quite a lot of time and effort has been spent developing this stage for the IBM students to improve the guidance and support offered to them. We are now keen to receive your feedback on how you feel these changes have affected your experience of supervising their P&Ds. We encourage you to be frank and constructive.

STUDENT PREPARATION As you know, IBM students attended three weekend workshops on the P&D. Bearing this in mind: 1a) In overall terms, how well were IBM students prepared for the P&D?
1b) In overall terms, how well were IBM students prepared for the P&D compared to DL/Exec MBA students?

FULL PROJECT PROPOSAL - (Not the initial Project Outline, but the full proposal prepared after starting the P&D) 2a) How well prepared were project proposals from the IBM students?
2b) How well prepared were the Project Proposals from the IBM students compared with the DL/Exec MBA students?
2c) For the IBM students, the P&D stage includes 2 stages in the start-up phase; the Initial Outline and the full Project Proposal (as apposed to the other variants of the MBA which only contain a proposal stage). Would you like to see this 2 step process being rolled out to the other variants of the MBA?

QUALITY OF FINAL DISSERTATION 3a) How do you rate the quality of the IBM students' dissertations?
3b) How do you rate the quality of the IBM students' dissertations compared with the DL/Exec MBA students?

DEMANDS MADE BY STUDENTS 4a) What level of demand did IBM students make on you?
4b) How demanding were IBM students to supervise compared with DL/Exec MBA students?

YOUR TIME 5a) On average, what demand did IBM students make on your time?
5b) On average, how much time did supervising an IBM student take compared with a DL/Exec MBA student?

INFORMATION AND SUPPORT FOR YOU in dealing with IBM students 6a) Please comment below on any further guidance you would like to help you in your role as IBM MBA P&D supervisor
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