Conference Presentations
Some of the presentations from the conference are now available.
Please refer to the schedule for details below - click on the hyperlinks to retrieve the presentation. Presentations will continue to be uploaded as they are received.
The conference handbook is available here
Title | First name | Surname | Title of submission | Day | Sess | Str | Page | Comments |
Dr | Ronald | Bradfield | The Critical Role of Facilitation in the Scenario Development Process | MON | 1 | A | 10 | Cancelled |
Yasser | Bhatti | Using Live Cases to Learn Scenario Planning | MON | 1 | A | 11 | ||
Miss | Celine | Bout | Exploring the Range of Data Inclusion by Energy Scenarios for Denmark, Ireland and UK since the EU 2009 Renewable Energy Directive – Focus on the Wind Energy Sector | MON | 1 | B | 13 | |
Dr | Raul | Trujillo-Cabezas | Using Hybrid Simulation Approach to Develop a Regional Behavioral Analysis (RBA) Framework to Improve the Scenario Design Methodology | MON | 1 | B | 14 | |
Dr | Laurent | Bontoux | Using Scenarios for Policy Making at EU Level | MON | 2 | A | 15 | |
Prof | Martin | Rhisiart | From Foresight to Impact? The 2030 Future of Work Scenarios | MON | 2 | A | 16 | Cancelled |
Dr | Mark | Winskel | Exploring UK Energy System Scenarios: a Comparative Analysis | MON | 2 | A | 17 | |
Dr | Fabrice | Roubelat | Connecting Ephemeral and Sustainable Futures in Scenario Design. Theoretical Issues and Lessons from the Defence Field | MON | 2 | B | 18 | |
Dr. | Richard | Lum | Theory-driven Scenario Development: Using Theories of Change and Stability to Anchor and Differentiate Alternative Futures | MON | 2 | B | 19 | |
Mr | Matti | Minkkinen | Process Tracing as a Basis for Issue-based Scenarios: The Case of the General Data Protection Regulation | MON | 2 | B | 20 | |
Dr | Totti | Könnölä | Success Scenarios of Personal Health Systems | MON | 3 | A | 21 | Moved to 2A |
Prof | Dana | Mietzner | Anticipation and Visualisation of Regional Developments – How Scenarios can be Supportive in Strategic Decision Making | MON | 3 | A | 22 | |
Dr | Graham | Willis | Applying scenario methods to health and social care workforce planningApplying scenario methods to health and social care workforce planning | MON | 3 | A | 23 | |
Prof. Dr. | Martin | Moehrle | What Weblogs Reveal about Qualitative Key Factors in Scenario Studies | MON | 3 | B | 24 | |
Ms. | Victoria | Kayser | Web-based Scenario Development: Process Improvements | MON | 3 | B | 25 | |
Dr | Wendy L | Schultz | Stitching Scenarios from Distributed Fragments: a Crowdsourced Approach to Scenario-building | MON | 3 | B | 26 | |
Prof. Dr. | Jan Oliver | Schwarz | Adding the Competitive Dimension to Scenario Planning: Combining Scenarios with Business War Gaming | MON | 4 | A | 27 | |
Sirkka | Heinonen | Testing Transformative Energy Scenarios through CLA gaming | MON | 4 | A | 28 | ||
Mr | Will | McDowall | Exploring Constructive Conflict in Scenario Development | MON | 4 | A | 29 | |
Dr | Jonas | Hoffmann | Using Scenarios to Explore Temporalities in Fashion | MON | 4 | B | 30 | |
Maureen | Meadows | Reflecting on the use of social media within a scenario planning project | MON | 4 | B | 31 | ||
Mr | Sotirios | Levakos | Exploring the Role of Systems Thinking in Scenario Building | TUES | 5 | A | 32 | |
Mr | Michel | Leseure | A Strategic Mapping Approach to Regional Scenario Planning: Offshore Renewable Energy in the Channel | TUES | 5 | A | 33 | |
Dr | Martin | Kunc | Integrating Scenarios with the Resource-based View of the Firm: An Exploratory Study. | TUES | 5 | A | 34 | |
Dr | James | Derbyshire | ‘Potential Surprise’ as a Theoretical Framework for Scenario Planning | TUES | 5 | B | 35 | |
Dr. | Rebecca | Wayland | The Function of Paradigms in Scenario Methodology | TUES | 5 | B | 36 | |
Mr | Ahmad | Mahdeyan | Origin Ontology of Future Scenario's Idea | TUES | 5 | B | 37 | Cancelled |
Prof | George | Burt | Participant Disposition, Equivocality and Readiness to Benefit from Scenario Planning | TUES | 6 | A | 38 | |
Ms. | Ricarda | Scheele | Rethinking Plausibility: Empirically Analysing External Judgments on Different Qualitative Scenario Formats | TUES | 6 | A | 39 | |
Prof | Gerard | Hodgkinson | Exploring the Social, Political and Cognitive Dynamics of Scenario Planning Interventions: A Critical Incident Study | TUES | 6 | A | 40 | |
Prof | Ted | Fuller | Relationships with our Futures: Anticipation, Post Normality and Scenarios | TUES | 6 | B | 42 | |
Mr | Arafet | Bouhalleb | Scenario Planning: Proposal for a Measurement Scale Based on the Paradigm of Churchill (1979). | TUES | 6 | B | 43 | |
Dr | Efstathios | Tapinos | Sensemaking in Scenario Planning | TUES | 6 | B | 44 | |
Prof | Brad | MacKay | Refining the Intuitive-logics Approach to Scenario Planning: The Case of the Future of the UK and Scotland | TUES | 7 | A | 45 | |
Prof | George | Wright | Producing "effective" scenarios: an evaluation of both the basic Intuitive Logics method and recent developments of that methodProducing "effective" scenarios: an evaluation of both the basic Intuitive Logics method and recent developments of that method | TUES | 7 | A | 46 | |
Dr | E. Anders | Eriksson | Scenario Systems for Addressing Planning Situations: the Case of Scenario-contextualised Analysis | TUES | 7 | B | 47 | |
Dipl.-Geogr. | Sigrid | Prehofer | Theory-based and (more) Systematic Scenario Factor Definition and Selection | TUES | 7 | B | 48 | Cancelled |
Prof | Dilek | Önkal | Testing the Effectiveness of Scenario Generating Techniques: Forecasting Outcomes of the Refugee Crisis | TUES | 8 | A | 49 | |
PhD | Simone | Di Zio | The Real-Time Spatial Delphi: Fast Convergence of Expert Opinions on the Territory | TUES | 8 | A | 50 | |
Mr. | Matthew | Spaniol | Multiple Tools and Scenario Use | TUES | 8 | B | 51 | |
Dr | Riccardo | Vecchiato | Embedding Real Options in Scenario Planning: A New Methodological Approach | TUES | 8 | B | 52 |