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Group Work Non-Contribution Procedure

Group Work Non-Contribution Procedure and Policy

Non-contribution can be defined as a lack of engagement or meaningful input to the task by one or more members of a group. The purpose of the WBS non-contribution procedure is to provide a fair opportunity for non-contributing students to re-engage with their group and make a meaningful contribution to the project in sufficient time before completion.

The Undergraduate team will work with the Module Leader to investigate your concerns set out in this form. Please ensure you have contacted your Module Leader in the first instance and before the deadline for raising issues of non-contribution as set out for your Group Work project (there is a post stating the deadline on the module page). Non-contribution reports raised after the deadline will not be considered as there is insufficient time for the case to be investigated and allow the student to re-engage with the group project. Once you have filled in this form, please continue to reach out to the non-contributing group member whilst we look into your concerns.

Student’s considered as non-participating by the group or Module Leader will be given the opportunity to provide evidence of their contribution or a clear reason for non-contribution. If a student fails to contribute in any meaningful way with the group task, your Module Leader has the discretion to remove them completely from the group. Removed students will forfeit the group component (i.e. receive a zero mark for this assessment component).

Section A

To be completed by student/group raising the non-contribution concern.

Section B

Provide details of the student in concern and information about non-contribution case.

Type of issue

Please provide as much information of the non-contribution case as possible

Upload supporting documentation of attempts to engage with the student in concern and evidence of non-contribution (e.g., records of non-attendance at meetings, team charters showing work assigned is not completed, screenshots of correspondence with non-contributing group member) 

Attach file
No files are currently attached.

Please remember that you are required to contact your Module Leader regarding the non-contribution case before raising the case to the Undergraduate Programme team.  

Privacy notice

The data on this form will be used for the purpose of investigating and acting upon groupwork non-contribution only. We will store the information from this form securely and for the purpose mentioned above only. We will not send you any information beyond that which you have requested, nor will we use the data for any other purpose. 

The University of Warwick is the Data Controller of any information you have entered on this form and is committed to protecting the rights of individuals in line with Data Protection Legislation. The University's Data Protection webpages provide further information on your rights and how the University processes personal data. If you wish to submit a data subjects rights request, make a complaint or report a suspected personal data breach, please contact the University’s Data Protection Officer by email at

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