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Health and Safety Checklist 2024/25

Health and safety on placement

Health and safety in this context refers to ensuring the physical and mental wellbeing of students while they are engaged in work placements, whether taking place in the UK or abroad.

During a placement period, the health and safety of students is vested with the placement provider (employer). A risk-based, risk management approach should be applied by students when out on work placements taking place in the UK or overseas. Warwick encourages you to understand the risks associated with placements so that you can make informed judgements and mitigate risks where applicable.

WBS recommends that you review and submit this Health and Safety Checklist together with your employer prior to arrival in order to help you to consider the health and safety guidelines your employer has for your work placement. You are required to complete this and submit responses here as early as possible, but no later than within first 2 weeks of your approved start date.

This form is managed by the WBS Undergraduate Programme Team. If you have any questions about the submission of this form, don't hesitate to contact one of the team on

To assist, the University will:

  • Prepare the student to ensure they are aware of general health and safety aspects. Such preparation is of a general nature and does not include specific information required for particular activities or workplaces
  • Encourage the student and placement provider to report any problems experienced in regard to health and safety to the University
  • Retain an active interest in any health and safety issues and related communications that arise during the placement
  • WBS will send a reminder via email at the start of your placement if you have not yet returned your health and safety checklist.

Health and Safety Declaration
Complete sections 1-3 together with your employer to make sure you are aware of and understand health and safety in your work environment. Please complete:

  • Section 1: All students
  • Section 2: UK placements only OR Section 3: International placements only
  • Section 4: Foundation Year placements or projects only
  • Section 5: All students

Section 1: All placements, both UK and abroad.

We confirm we have a written Health and Safety Policy (required)
We will provide the student with an induction in workplace health and safety arrangements including fire precautions specific hazards and safety precautions (required)
We will include the student in the risk assessment programme in relation to activities undertaken by them (required)
We will provide appropriate instruction and training in safe working practices and in any control measures identified by the risk assessment (required)
We confirm we will advise the University of any injury damage or serious near misses involving the student (required)
We will facilitate any virtual or on-site visits to the student undertaken by University staff throughout the duration of the placement in a safe and confidential environment (required)
We will provide ongoing supervision and training for the student in the performance of their duties (required)
We will ensure necessary support measures are in place to enable the student to work remotely should that be a part of the placement or necessary at any point during the placement (required)
We will make the department aware of any serious wellbeing concerns relating to the student that arise during the course of the placement (including prolonged periods of absence or absence without any notice) (required)

Section 2: UK work placements only
*Skip to international placements section 3 if based outside of the UK.

We confirm we have at least 5 million pounds (GBP) of Employers Liability insurance and that the student is deemed to be an employee for the purposes of this insurance policy
We confirm we have at least 5 million pounds (GBP) Public Liability insurance

Section 3: International work placements only
*Skip to final section 5 for the student declaration if based outside of the UK.

We confirm we have insurance that covers liability for injuries or sickness suffered by placement students or members of the public that are attributable to their duties within the organisation

Section 4: Foundation Year projects and/or placements only
*Skip to section 5 if not applicable.

List all student names, ID numbers and email addresses from students in your group and who will be working with this employer. Include/print all names below before submitting.

Section 5: Student declaration 
*Applicable to all

I confirm I have read and understood the Health and Safety policy(ies) from my employer (required)
I confirm I know how to report concerns about health and safety to my employer (required)

The above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Privacy notice

The data on this form will be used to record what health and safety and insurance arrangements will be in place for the duration of the placement you are providing. We will store this information along with your contact details to support the provision of the placement. We will not use the data for any other purpose.

The University of Warwick is the Data Controller of any information you have entered on this form and is committed to protecting the rights of individuals in line with Data Protection Legislation. The University's Data Protection webpages provide further information on your rights and how the University processes personal data. If you wish to submit a data subjects rights request, make a complaint or report a suspected personal data breach, please contact the University’s Data Protection Officer by email at

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