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Finance and Procurement

Warwick Transformation initiative to trial increasing the Procurement threshold

A new Warwick Transformation initiative has recently commenced: a ‘launch and learn’ programme to respond to feedback to raise the procurement threshold for competitive tendering. This early improvement initiative will test raising the threshold from £35,000 to £100,000 in selected departments across the University. Departments have been provided with a more comprehensive Request for Quotation (RFQ) process, supporting guidance & templates, and assurance checklists for sub-threshold procurement activity.

This initiative has been identified alongside the detailed work underway to re-design how Finance & Procurement operates in collaboration with service providers as well as those who use their services.

As part of that work, colleagues have identified a few initiatives that have the potential to deliver early improvements. Raising the procurement threshold for competitive tendering is one that users regularly cite as a way to make lower value purchases simpler and faster, while empowering colleagues in their roles.

Five areas from across Academic and Professional Services departments have been invited to participate in a ten-week ‘launch and learn’ programme to test the proposed policy change, supported by bespoke decision tools and guidance to help those who regularly undertake procurement processes. The impact of the change will be measured by collecting data and feedback on the revised processes and guidance, which will inform if and how the change could be rolled out more widely across the University.

“WMG is renowned for tackling challenges, so we are delighted to be part of this early improvement launch and learn,” says Prof. Robin Clark, Dean of WMG. “Together with one of our Finance Leads, Michelle Chilvers, we look forward to working alongside colleagues in other departments to trial the approach and share information that will help shape our future ways of working.”

The five areas participating in the programme are: WMG, WBS, Physics, Life Sciences and IDG. The 10-week launch and learn period is currently planned to run through to the first week of June, followed by quantitative and qualitative assessments with input from participants from each of the sites.

9 April 2024