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Warwick Studentpad - Students

Student Guidance Documents
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Students' Frequently Asked Questions. Answers to frequent questions about Warwick Studentpad.
House hunting guide - Get ready to rent
House hunting checklist
Moving-in checklist
Moving-out checklist
Love where you live! Make the most of your housing, your neighbourhood and your are! We recommend to following things and have provided some useful quidance links to help you.
What to expect from Warwick Studentpad. When a property is registered with Warwick Studentpad, what does this mean?
Terms & Conditions. What are the terms and conditions for using the platform?
Useful links. Other handy web links
Seasonal advice: condensation & mould. Find out what to do during periods of colde weather condensation.
A Student Guide to sustainable living (pdf, 12KB). The Student union advice guide for sustainable "green" living, reduce energy bills, transportation alternatives, waste management, and greening your garden.