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Student - Moving out

Moving out checklist

Don’t be sad, it’s time to move on to the next stage in your adventure. We’d recommend you take care of the following housekeeping tasks in advance of your moving out date.

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Renting a shared property?

You are all jointly responsible for its condition when you move out. Check your contract, inventory or speak to your landlord about what they expect from you.

1. What to do and when

  • Start tidying a couple of weeks before moving out - dispose of rubbish, donate unwanted items to your local charity shop, donate unopened leftover food to the local food bank (if you leave unwanted belongings, the landlord may charge for its removal)
  • Take responsibility for your own room, and ensure that the cleaning responsibility of the communal areas are shared out between all the housemates no matter when they leave the property. Don’t leave it until the morning of your move

Leaving all of the cleaning to the last person who moves out could mean cleaning charges will be deducted from the deposit. The choice is yours.

2. The kitchen

  • Clean cooker, grill and all its attachments
  • Ensure fridge and freezer are empty, cleaned, defrosted, switched off and doors left open
  • Ensure all cupboards are emptied and cleaned, and all surfaces, cabinet doors, worktops, floor and internal windows are cleaned
  • Wipe over all appliances (microwave, kettle etc.)

3. Inventory

  • Remove all toiletries and empty all bins
  • Clean the toilet, sink, bath and tiles
  • Clean all other surfaces, including the floor

4. Bedrooms, lounge and communal hallways

  • Vacuum all carpets (including stairs) and clean any stains
  • Remove all personal items and take down posters (remember to remove the Blu-Tack carefully if used)
  • Return furniture to original position
  • Wipe down the front door, paintwork and window sills, clean windows, and polish furniture

5. Remember to

  • Take meter readings and inform all utility companies of these, as well as your tenancy end date and your forwarding addresses
  • Clear all junk that you may have collected over the past year, and ensure all rubbish is in the right bags and put out correctly – taking any excess to the tip
  • Weed and tidy the garden, where relevant
  • Speak to your landlord about whether to turn off any heating
  • Lock all windows and doors to your house or flat, and ensure you return the keys as arranged