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Peter Collingwood

Born 1922, London. Died 2008.

Collingwood trained as a doctor and first used a loom in an occupational therapy department. He subsequently trained in the weaving studios of Ethel Mairet, Barbara Sawyer and Alistair Morton. In 1952 he set up a workshop in Highgate and in 1958 moved to Digswell House, where the potter Hans Coper had a studio. In 1963 Collingwood won the Gold Medal at the International Handicrafts Exhibition in Munich. He moved his workshop in 1964 to the Old School, Nayland, Colchester. In 1969 the Victoria and Albert Museum organised an exhibition of Rugs and Wall Hangings by Peter Collingwood and Pots by Hans Coper. In 1998 a major touring exhibition of his work was organised by Firstsite in Colchester and toured to the Mead Gallery.

Peter Collingwood has published a number of books and lectures on weaving.

Integration or Macrogauze No. 3