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Press Summary - April 5 - April 11


B Daily – Professor Peter Winstanley, WMS, is listed as one of the key representatives to attend the opening of the first ever college for surgeons outside of Edinburgh

Conversation – PAIS student Shahnaz Akhter writes about how racial stereotypes are reinforced through history and fantasy

Conversation – Professor Mark Skilton, WBS, writes about ‘green internet’

Also in: Life Hacker

Conversation – Professor Richard Hastings, Psychology, writes about children with autism in schools

Electronic Specifier – Information about the development of gesture technology for mobile phones at Warwick. Professor Chang-Tsun Li, Computer Science, comments

Entrepreneur - Professor Andrew Oswald, Economics, is mention for the collaborative study which found happier people more productive in the workplace and how employee happiness can be improved with chocolate

HITC – Professor Tim Watson, WMG, comments about cyber security in an article about the password risks from the new online ‘Heartbleed bug’

Also in: Yahoo! Finance

Homeland Security Today – Assistant Professor Dr Onook Oh, WBS, comments on a piece about the management of misinformation on social media sites

Also in: Phys Org

Media Post

Huff Post – Professor Andrew Oswald, Economics, is mentioned for his study into happiness in an article about people’s increased happiness in later life

Indiana Daily Student – Research by Warwick into the mental strains of poverty features in an article about poverty psychology

International Business Times – Professor Michael Mol, WBS, comments about the Co-op’s board resisting change

Also in: Daily Telegraph

Many Years Young – An article mentions development of a new drug by Warwick which has raised potential for cancer treatments

Nature World News – Researchers at Warwick have collaborated with other scientists to discover a pattern in the decline of the world’s coral reefs

Also in: Press News

Club of Mozambique

Bloggero Science News

News Medical – Assistant Professor Dr Matthew Gibson, Chemistry, is mentioned for his research process of freezing blood after it has been shortlisted for the Royal Society of Chemistry competition

Psychiatric News Alert – Researchers at WMS have found a link between anti-anxiety pills and an increase in mortality rates

Also in: Science 2.0

PV Tech – Professor Michael Bradshaw, WBS, discusses the energy shortages in Ukraine

Wall Street Journal – Project Officer Diane Burton, WMG, comments about the donation of 3D equipment in support of the Warwick programme to make the everyday life of physically disabled students easier

Also in: Bizwire Express


Renewable Energy World

Global News Wire

4 Traders


IT News Online




City AM – A mention of the WBS MBA programme in a piece about entrepreneurship becoming more popular as a specialisation in MBAs

City AM – Professor Andrew Lockett, WBS, comments about the development of young talent in business in an article about ex-football manager Alex Ferguson going to Harvard University to teach

Daily Telegraph – A mention of Warwick in a piece about the last University Challenge under the chairmanship of Jeremy Paxman

Equine - Dr Laura Green, Life Sciences, is mentioned for research into hygiene in the lambing shed to reduce the risk of Mastitis in ewes

Financial Times – Professor Marcus Miller and Emeritus Professor Robert Skidelsky, Economics, write about the UKs successful economic growth targets

Glasgow Evening Times – Warwick are mentioned in an article about this year’s brand awards

Guardian – Professor Shirin Rai, PAIS, writes about the Indian elections and whether or not India is still a developing country

Guardian – A mention of the 1970 protests at Warwick in a feature about controversy over expenses

Guardian (2) – Assistant Professor Dr Claire Crawford, Economics, comments about the likelihood of students still paying off their tuition fees in their 50s

Also in: Conversation



B Daily

The Voice

Gov Today

Rochdale Online

Independent on Sunday – A mention of the University of Warwick’s 50th anniversary in a piece about artistic approaches to teaching MBA students. Professor Jon Neelands, WBS, comments. WBS Dean Mark Taylor is also quoted

Independent on Sunday – A mention of WBS in a piece about bringing more creativity into business schools

Independent on Sunday – A mention of the course available at WBS in an article about ways of funding an MBA course

International Tax Review – A mention of research by a Warwick academic in a piece about EU financial transaction tax

Lancet – Professor Jane Hutton, Statistics, writes about the life expectancy of sufferers of Cerebral Palsy

Machinery Market - Scott Crowther, WMG, comments about the manufacture of a new barrel tracking device launched by a Shropshire brewery

Mail on Sunday - Research by Warwick has found that a good night’s sleep can help sufferers of chronic pain. Assistant Professor Nicole Tang, Psychology, comments

Also in: Interim Healthcare

Mental Health Today – Professor Maximillian Birchwood, WMS, discusses the prospective issues with funding cuts being made to psychosis services for young people

Metro, East Midlands – Associate Professor Dr Robin Allaby, Life Sciences, comments about the increase in size of rodents after a reported sighting of a giant rat

Also in: Metro, Cardiff

Daily Star

Nature – Former staff member Mathai Joseph writes about India’s general elections and the reintroduction of science to the nation

Observer – Associate Professor Dr James Covington, Engineering, explains what an electronic nose is and how it works

Professional Engineering - A short mention of the Lloyds bank employees who were received manufacturing training at WMG

Prospect – Emeritus Professor Robert Skidelsky, Economics, writes about the rise of inequality

Real People – Research by Warwick has found that children who grow up with pets have better immune systems

Times – Associate Professor Christian Stadler, WBS, comments about the £33billion merger between industrial companies Lafarge and Holcim

Also in: Financial Times

Daily Express

The Conversation

Free News Pos

Business Desk

GT News Newsletter

Times Higher Education – Honorary Professor F red Inglis, History, features in a piece about succession planning

Times Higher Education – Professor Steve Fuller, Sociology, writes a letter to editor about interrogating sources

Times Higher Education – A piece about controversial documents discovered by Warwick students in the 1960s

VitAL – Associate Professor Dr Arne Strauss, WBS, comments about the importance of data mining skills in a piece about the teaching of mining big data to students



Abingdon Herald – Warwick have co-led a research project which has being praised for a research breakthrough in Alzheimer’s disease

Birmingham Post – Professor Jan Godsell, WMG, writes about the negatives of the buy one get one free offer in supermarkets

Birmingham Post – A mention of the University of Warwick in a piece about university’s challenges to attract prospective students

Also in: TMC Net

Coventry Telegraph (2) – An article about the swans on campus being hostile due to breeding

Also in: ITV News Online

Washington Times


Daily Telegraph

UK Wired News


Mail Online


Birmingham Mail

SDP Noticias

Coventry Telegraph – A mention of Warwick working with local schools on an art project where the work will be exhibited at the Herbert Art Gallery

Coventry Telegraph – An article about engineering students from Warwick building a pedal-powered submarine for an international competition

Coventry Telegraph – An article about the imprisonment of a hoax caller who claimed a bomb had been left on the Warwick campus

Coventry Times – A public meeting has been held to discuss changes to the road network around the Warwick campus

Mid-Wales Journal – An article about the prevention of disease in badgers mentions Warwick as one of the research partners

Morpeth Herald – A feature about the Coull Quartet who is in residence at Warwick

Nuneaton News – Dr Richard Hutchins, WMG, comments about the meeting of engineering companies at WMG to discuss how they can benefit from a new initiative designed to grow the economy

Also in: Coventry Telegraph

Swindon Advertiser – A piece called ‘On this day’ mentions the firm, Recycling Technologies, which came out of Warwick University on 8th April 2013

Wed 09 Apr 2014, 12:19