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Press Summary - July 19 - July 25


Arab Times – Researchers at Warwick have found premature babies have a better chance of survival if they are born in a larger hospital
Also in: Reuters
Coventry Telegraph
Quality Health

Australian Financial Review – Professor Mark Skilton, WBS, discusses the IBM mobile app partnership with Apple
Also in: Tech Times
Computer Weekly

Bloomberg – Professor Kim Hoque, WBS, was part of a research study which found family friendly, equal opportunities practices are more likely to be adopted by organisations that consult with unions
Also in: HR Review
Employee Benefits
4 Traders

Bloomberg – Dr Christian Stadler, WBS, comments about the departure of Unilever CEO Dave Lewis after being appointed CEO of Tesco Plc
Also in: Financial Post

Bloomberg – Professor Sotaro Kita, Psychology, led a team of researchers who found that hand gestures can reveal a lot about a person’s intelligence and ability to show empathy
Also in: Politics
Health, Medical and Science Updates

Cayman I News –A mention of Warwick in an article about the effectiveness of multivitamins

Conversation – Professor Dieter Wolke, Psychology, writes about research into whether children from poorer or richer backgrounds are more likely to be bullied

Daily Nation – Associate Professor Gabrielle Lynch, PAIS, writes about Lamu remaining one of the best places to relax despite the security threats

Forbes Russia – Professor Mark Harrison, Economics, is mentioned for research into the civil war

Globe and Mail – WBS Dean Mark Taylor comments about the investigation into the currency markets following allegations of fraud
Also in: Wall Street Journal
Gulf News
Morning Star
The Scotsman
Monde Visione
Waters Technology
Workplace Savings and Benefits
Tech News
Albuquerque Express

Indian Express – Emeritus Professor Upendra Baxi, Law, writes about the welcoming of the Supreme Court injunction and concerns about its limitations
Also in: Kashmir Images

Indian Express – Professor Bhaskar Dutta, Economics, discusses Indian PM Modi’s electoral campaign

Knowledge – Professor Michael Mol, WBS, discusses the benefits of seeking external knowledge in business in an article about how secrets can stunt innovation in the workplace

Moose – An article about the University of Warwick project entitled ‘Shakespeare on the road’, which aims to discover and document the story of Shakespeare in the USA
Also in: Montana State University

Poets and Quants – An in depth piece about WBS Dean Mark Taylor and the WBS expansion to the Shard

Straits Times – Associate Professor Dr Trevor McCrisken, PAIS, writes about MH17 and the response expected from the US
Also in: The Conversation

Straits Times – An article about corporate veteran Gautam Banerjee who was given an honorary degree from Warwick at the summer graduation ceremony

The Citizen - Dr Michelle Miller and Dr Francesco Cappuccio, WMS, are mentioned in an article about their studies into the health effects linked to sleep deprivation
Also in: Psychology Today
The Conversation
Mail Online
Pharma Info
Ghana Web

The Cut – An article about the Warwick men’s rowing club and their 2015 calendar to raise money to combat homophobia
Also in: e Wallstreeter
E Online

The New Yorker – An article about the chair of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen, mentioning her son Professor Robert Akerlof, Economics

The Sentinel - Professor Eugenio Proto and Professor Andrew Oswald, Economics, led a study which found the closer people lived to the Danes the happier the people were
Also in: Irish Independent
Cotswold Journal
Asian Age
Venezuela Star
Oman Observer
The Copenhagen Post
Business Standard
Metro Herald
CNN World
Congoo News
The Star
Live Science
Jornal Do Brasil
Spiegel Online
Knoxville Times
Daily Green
Green Me
Il Secoloxix
Medical Today
Fast co-Exist
Pourquoi Docteur
Pacific Standard
Bright Surf
Bayou Buzz
Short News
Medical News Today
The New Age
Hindustan Times
DNA India
The Today Online
Times Live
One News Page
Science 2.0
E Wall Streeter
CTV News
Echo Net Daily
News R
Tech Investor News
Bury Times
Pakistan Today
The Week Magazine



Adults Learning – Honorary Professor John Field, CLL, writes about whether or not adults’ skills figures should be published

Daily Mail - An article about £183m of funding for new research facilities. The University of Warwick Advanced Propulsion Research Laboratory, in partnership with WMG and JLR will receive £65m of funding
Also in: Machinery Market
Mail Online
UK News Day
This is Money

Daily Telegraph –Professor Jan Godsell, WMG, comments throughout an in depth article about the supply chain industry

Financial Times – Professor David Elmes, WBS, comments in an article about the CMA investigation into energy prices

Funds Europe – Assistant Professor Dr Chen Yao, WBS, comments about the dark pools in banking

Guardian – Emeritus Professor Robert Skidelsky, Economics, writes about Germany’s current-account surplus and its connection to the Eurozone stagnation
Also in: European News

Handling and Storage Solutions - A mention of the International Institute for Nanocomposite Manufacturing at WMG in an article about the increase in sales of Portakabins

Independent – An article about the University of Warwick discovery of antibiotic-resistant superbugs found in the river Sowe. Professor Elizabeth Wellington, Life Sciences, comments
Also in: Evening News
Coventry Telegraph
Democratic Underground
Diario Registrado
La Voce Della Russia
Eastern Daily Press
Medical Xpress
Biotechnology and Biological Science Research Council
Diario 21
Homeland Security Newswire

Midlands Business Insider – Director of Press and Policy, Peter Dunn comments in a piece about the importance of Midlands’ universities to the regional economy

Northern Scot - A mention of the study by Warwick which found benefits to productivity from happier employees
Also in: Tu Decides
John O Groat Journal
Inverness Courier Tuesday

Psychologist – Professor Nick Chater, WBS, will be appearing on the Radio 4 series “The Human Zoo” discussing the psychology of inequality

Pub and Bar - Chef Graham Crump, Conferences, has been crowned the 2014 British Barbeque Champion

Research Fortnight – An article about university-business partnerships mentioning Warwick as one of three institutions to research funding from the UK Research Partnership Investment Fund

Scotsman – Dr Paul Simmonds, WBS, discusses the rivalry Royal Mail parcels business is experiencing from its competitors
Also in: Daily Mail
Business Week

Scotsman – Dr Paul Simmonds, WBS, discusses the £620 co-op deal to sell its pharmacy stores in order to reduce debts
Also in: Pharmacy Choice
The Grocer

Student Guide – An article about the MOU signing between WMG, the University of Warwick and Carnegie Mellon University
Also in: Coventry Telegraph
Coventry Times
Business Times
Tenders Info
Campus Technology

Telegraph – An obituary for former Warwick chancellor Nick Scheele who has died aged 70
Also in: Coventry Telegraph
Birmingham Mail
Solihull News
Automotive News USA
Body Shop
Detroit Free Press
In Auto News
The Auto Channel
Detroit Bureau
Noodls USA
Sunday Times
Automotive World
The Motor Report
Auto Blog
Auto Car
4 Traders
Digital Journal
Sector Publishing Intelligence

This is Local London – A short article about the theatre production, ‘Broken’ showing at the Warwick Arts Centre

Times– An article about the research by Warwick into the flight patterns of Starlings. Student Daniel Pearce comments
Also in: Telegraph
Congoo News
Web Newswire
Science Alert
DPA Magazine
Fast Co Exist
Bright Surf
Science Codex
Science World Report
Science News Line
Mail Online
Press News
Before its News
Sciences et Avenir
Environmental News Network

Times Higher Education – A mention of Warwick in an article about the departure of Leicester University’s Vice Chancellor

Times Higher Education – An article about the appointment of three Warwick academics as fellows of the British Academy

Times Higher Education (4) – An article about the recent events involving Professor Thomas Docherty, English

Women Feel Good Series – A mention of Vitamin D research by WMS in a piece about summer healthcare

Your Wellness – A short piece about the Warwick research into why children have nightmares. Professor Dieter Wolke, Psychology, comments


Bromsgrove Advertiser – An article about Warwick wheelchair racing club member, Lauren Rowles who will be representing England at the Commonwealth Games
Also in: Droitwich Spa Advertiser

Coventry Observer – Vice Chancellor Professor Nigel Thrift has been appointed as one of the new deputy lieutenants for the West Midlands

Coventry Observer – A mention of Warwick in an article about the council switching off of street lights to save money

Coventry Observer – An article about Dr Richard Parry-Jones who was given an honorary degree from Warwick at the summer graduation ceremony

Coventry Telegraph – A letter to editor mentioning Warwick in connection to recent a traffic survey

Coventry Telegraph – Information about the free tennis sessions available at Warwick

Coventry Telegraph – A piece about the classical concerts taking place at the Warwick Arts Centre to commemorate the two Warwick anniversaries

Coventry Telegraph (2) - An article about the million pound support programme which has enabled Warwick to offer 77 Master’s degree scholarships. Pro-Vice Chancellor Christina Hughes comments
Also in: Coventry Times

Coventry Telegraph (2) - An article about the Warwick women’s rowing team’s calendar for charity being banned from Facebook
Also in: Mail on Sunday
Metro Birmingham
Metro Manchester
Metro Liverpool
Metro Cardiff
Metro Yorkshire
Metro East Midlands
Buzz Blog
Random String Live Journal
Mail On Sunday
Tech News Review
Il Manifesto
Yahoo! Mexico
Daily News
Mail Online
Van Guardia
Primera Hora
El Arsenal
Korea Times
La Razon
Plano Informatio
Publimetro Record
Diario Presente
Tele Diario
Albuquerque Express
The Drum
Metro South West
India TV News
Modern Ghana
Buzz Feed
NY Daily News
All Voices
Buzz Blog
E! Online
Peta Pixel
Before its News
Por Esto!
Pulso Diario de San Luis
El Progresso Hispano
Albuquerque Express
El Grafico
Parelo Daily

Henley Standard - An obituary for former Warwick academic Professor Alan Rugman who died aged 69

Hull Daily Mail - Research by Warwick suggests children responds better to rules which are written down rather than spoken
Also in: Irish News
Evening Echo
East Riding Mail

Mid Devon Gazette – Updates on the research being done to tackle the spread of TB in cattle which research from Warwick academics discussed
Also in: Western Morning News
Coventry Telegraph
Crediton Gazette
Western Daily Press

Surrey Advertiser – A mention of Warwick in an article about the expansion of Surrey University

Surrey Mirror – A mention of Warwick in an article about the council’s defence over a £46k bill for away days

The Shelby Report – Professor Chris Beer, WBS, comments about the appointment of a new CEO for Tesco, Dave Lewis
Also in: Bullfax

Fri 18 Jul 2014, 14:58