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Press Summary - September 27 - October 3


ABC Net, Australia – Professor Steve Fuller, Sociology, writes about theology as the science of God


Arts Journal – Professor Michael Hatt, History of Art, was listed as curator of the ‘Sculpture Victorious’ project


Bloomberg – Professor Loizos Heracleous, WBS, comments in a piece about Steve Jobs as a business leader
Also in: Inquisitr
Rocket News
Yorkshire Post
Info World


Bloomberg – Professor Wyn Grant, PAIS, discusses the idea of once again electing a woman as leader


Business Money – Professors James Mitchell and Anthony Garratt and Dr Ana Galvao, WBS, conducted a study which found the UK economy statistics could be larger than the original revised figures


Channel Partners – Professor Mark Skilton, WBS, comments about the lastest Windows 10 technology


Conversation – Assistant Professor Aleksi Aaltonen, WBS, writes about why mobile manufactures make cheap smartphones


Conversation – Professor Michael Waterson, Economics, writes about the competition over status between the big supermarkets


Easier Lifestyle – Professor Dieter Wolke, Psychology, discusses the links between sibling bullying and later mental health disorders
Also in: Understanding Society


Evening Echo Ireland – Professor Andrew Easton, Life Sciences, discusses the research about the misunderstandings leading to the spread of the flu
Also in: ITV Online


Funds Europe – Professor John Thanassoulis, WBS, comments in an article about the withholding of bonuses from staff in order to push pay incentives to safer levels


Modern Ghana – Information about the Education UK Ghana exhibition 2014. Warwick are listed as one of the universities attending the event


Morning Star – Dr Chendi Zhang, WBS, co-authored a study which found a higher level of job satisfaction among employees can produce higher returns for firm shareholders


MTB Europe – Assistant Professor Dr Thomas House, Mathematics, comments about the Warwick model designed to predict the scale of an Ebola outbreak


News Letter, Belfast – Emeritus Professor Roger Trigg, Philosophy, will be a guest speaker at a Christianity conference in Belfast


Oman Observer – Dr Saverio Stranges and Professor Sarah Stewart Brown, WMS, discuss the Warwick study into the links found between eating more fruit and vegetables and an improved state of mental health
Also in: New Delhi Times
Nutrition 2 Me
Red Orbit
Medical Xpress
Med India


Quartz – Warwick are listed in an article about the best places to study for a degree in order to get a good job


Stratford Festival Canada – An in depth article about the Shakespeare on the Road project


Student Guide – A piece about some of the certificate courses available at Warwick



Accounting Web – Professor Crawford Spence, WBS, discusses supermarket Tesco’s overstatement of profits and what it means for the business
Also in: Journal Standard
Food Manufacture


BMA – Associate Professor Dennis Novy, Economics, appeared as a guest speaker at a conference about protecting the NHS during free-trade talks


Children and Young People Now – A study by Professor Peter Sidebotham, WMS, investigating the death rates of children in high—income countries


City AM (2) – Professor Shaun Breslin, PAIS, comments in an article about the Hong Kong protests


Conference News – A piece about academic venues used for conferences with a couple of mentions of Warwick Conferences facilities


CTA Intelligence – A mention of funding by Warwick in a piece about the warnings about high-frequency crystallisation rates for investors


Daily Mail – WBS Dean Mark Taylor comments about the dismissal of eight former Lloyds bankers
Also in: Press Display
4 Traders


Employee Benefits – A mention of the Warwick study which found links between happier workers and an improved rate of productivity in the workplace
Also in: Blue Sky
Get Frank New Zealand


Financial News – Professor Duncan Shand, WBS, has been appointed as a senior advisor for British multinational asset management company Schroders
Also in: Reuters
Institutional Asset Manager
Yahoo! Finance
Professional Pensions
London South East
Investor Today


Financial Times - Professor Mark Harrison, Economics, writes to editor about the assumptions in a previous article about teaching Economics


Financial Times - Research by WBS is discussed in an article about why businesses need to be in the government’s good books
Also in: Money Week


Guardian – An article about the competition for student admissions between top UK universities


Guardian – Warwick student Alexander Paul, PAIS, comments about the need to combat the issue with some police officers abusing their ‘stop and search’ powers
Also in: Politics
Yahoo! Finance
Birmingham Post
Big News Network
Belfast Telegraph
Evening Standard


Guardian – Professor Crawford Spence, WBS, discusses the legal boundaries surrounding tax in a piece about Apple having to repay billions from an Irish government tax deal


Holyrood Magazine – WBS Associate fellow Sir Peter Housden has been appointed as Permanent Secretary in the Scottish Government Strategic Board


Learning Disability Practice – Professor Richard Hastings, CEDAR, is mentioned for research into community-based support for people suffering with learning difficulties


Machinery Market – Professor Tim Watson, WMG, comments in an article about the WMG Cyber Security Centre project


Machinery Market – Professor John Thanassoulis, WBS, comments about the difficulty of predicting the UK’s economy


Mail Online – Professor Tim Watson, WMG, comments in an article about the latest cyber security threat to users


Scotsman – Professor Lloyd Harris, WBS, comments in an article about supermarket Aldi’s profit figures
Also in: CNBC
Talking Retail
ESM Magazine


Scotsman – A mention of Warwick in a piece about the academic vote on industrial action over pension scheme changes


South East Business – A mention of the Warwick training given to Lloyds bank management staff in an article about business communication


Sunday Times – Professor Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya, WMG, comments about the return of Range Rover vehicle assembly in Britain


Sunday Times – Professor Hari Tsoukas, WBS, comments in an article about ‘free thought’ in the workplace


Sunday Times – A mention of WBS in an article about the growing importance of business education for managers in business


Telegraph – A Warwick student advises in an article about student study abroad opportunities


The Stage - Professor Nadine Holdsworth, Theatre Studies, discusses the acting preferences of theatre director Joan Littlewood


The Vegetable Farmer – A mention of the Warwick HRI in a piece about the deliverance of greener crops through tighter pesticide regulations

Times – A mention of the WMG Advanced Propulsion Centre in an article about the evolution of Britain’s motors

Times – Professor Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya, WMG, discusses the need for the treasury to be at the heart of policies in business

Times Higher Education – An article about the university staff disputes over the cost of on-campus parking

Times Higher Education – A brief summary of the graduates who have established an online food shopping service named ‘Convibo’

Tunnelling Journal – Dr Benoit Jones, Engineering, discusses the Warwick Tunnelling and Underground Space MSc
Also in: New Civil Engineer

Wired UK – Professor Steve Fuller, Sociology, writes about the understanding of legal rights


Birmingham Post – A brief article about the approval of plans for the Solihull-based WMG Academy for young engineers
Also in: Birmingham Mail

Birmingham Post – Dr Ann Adams, WMS, has been part of a program that have launched a mobile phone app in a bid to stop troubled people from committing suicide

Coventry Observer – An article about the 2014 Warwick Words Festival and some of the people in attendance

Coventry Observer – Warwick are named as university of the year in an article about students’ satisfaction rates. Vice Chancellor Professor Nigel Thrift comments

Coventry Telegraph – WMS are mentioned as a sponsor for this year’s OSCAs ceremony

Coventry Telegraph – Information about the funeral of Sir Nick Scheele taking place at the Arts Centre

Coventry Telegraph – A brief article about the rise of Warwick in the global university rankings

Coventry Times - An article about the finishing touches being made to the WMG Academy for young engineers

Kenilworth Weekly News – A mention of the University of Warwick in a piece about the growing letting market in Leamington Spa
Also in: Leamington Courier

Lancashire Evening Post – An interview with Warwick History and Politics student Lewis Holden

Lincolnshire Life – An article about the expansion of Lincoln University’s science park with comments from Warwick Science Park staff member Tom Blount

Nuneaton News – An article about small companies being urged to apply for grants mentions the support being offered to firms by the Warwick Science Park Business Support Team

Ormskirk Advertiser – A feature about the complaints being filed during fresher’s week with a mention of Warwick

Rotherham Record – An article about the TATA steel research facility relocating to the Warwick campus
Also in: Sheffield Star Series

Stornoway Gazette – A mention of funding given to Warwick for research into the further study of bioscience

Stratford Observer – A mention of the Shakespeare on the Road project in the USA in a piece about the upkeep of the Shakespeare houses provided by the Shakespeare Birthplace America (SBA)

The Portsmouth News – Warwick student Alice Neilson will be part of a march in order to raise money for Cancer Research

Wed 01 Oct 2014, 10:09