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Press Summary - March 1 - March 7

Business Standard - Professor Swaran Singh, WMS, led a study which has found children who often switch schools are more likely to suffer psychotic symptoms in later life. Professor Singh and Dr Cath Winsper, WMS, comment
Also in: Sec Ed
Daily Echo

CBT Online – A mention of Warwick as a partner of The International College of Automotive in an informative article about the institute

Conversation – Associate Professor Eric Jensen, Sociology, discusses what the effective ways of explaining climate change would be
Also in: All Voices

Daily Kos - Professor Andrew Oswald, Economics, is mentioned for his collaborative study which found links between lottery winners and becoming more right wing

Euro Graduate - WBS have teamed up with IBM and business intelligence specialist SAS to teach Msc Business Analytics students about big data

Farm Business – Dr Jonathan Cave, Economics, discusses the reason behind the end of the baby boom as the economy recovers

Free News Pos – Warwick Life Sciences have received £1.7 million funding towards research into global food security. Professor John McCarthy, head of Life Sciences, comments

Hindustan Times – Associate Professor Dr Steve Mann, Applied Linguistics, discusses the English language and effective ways of teaching it
Also in: Times of India (2)
The Tribune
Daily Post India
Indian Express

Illumination in Focus – Dr Steven Lockley, WMS, has been appointed to the PlanLED advisory board for research into science based lighting applications

Korea Times - Emeritus Professor Robert Skidelsky, Economics, writes about the Industrial Revolution and the ‘second machine age’

Monde Visione – WBS Dean Mark Taylor comments about the potential rigging of the foreign exchange market following the suspension of a Bank of England staff member

MSN News – Associate Professor Dr Emma Uprichard, CIM, discusses why people dislike certain foods

RTCC – Professor Michael Bradshaw, WBS, comments on a piece about the Ukraine crisis and the effects it has had on energy supply lines

Science Daily – Associate Professor Eric Jensen, Sociology, was part of a study working alongside Chester Zoo that has discovered biodiversity can be taught by visiting the zoo and aquariums
Also in: World News
The Leader

Scientific American – Professor Chang-Tsun Li, Computer Science, is mentioned for an insight into methods for identifying noise pattern in photographs in an article about using noise patterns in photos to indentify criminals online

Search Security – Professor Harjinder Lallie, WMG, comments on an article about India’s cyber security concerns

The Street – Information about the Warwick collaborative project for an All-diamond packaging solution for Electro-analytical sensing applications. Professor Julie MacPherson will be hosting some of the technical sessions involved throughout
Also in: IT Briefing
PR Newswire
El Paso Times
Global Print Monitor

Times of India – Professor Jon Rushman, WBS, comments about the current Mt Gox bitcoin issues
Also in: Arab Times
Malaysian Insider
Business Report
Business Technology
FX Centre
Independent Online


BBC News – WMG have appointed Professor David Greenwood, Claire Davis and Barbara Shollock to chair in various researches for TATA Steel. Professor Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya and Professor Sridhar Seetharaman, WMG, comment
Also in: Machinery Market
Steel Guru
Birmingham Post
Times Higher Education
Insider Media Limited
World News

British Journal of General Practice (BJGP) – A mention of the University of Warwick analysis of the management of the flow of patients out of the UK’s Emergency Departments

Building Design and Construction – A mention of a research paper completed by WBS is discussed in a feature about understanding service excellence

Business Desk – Altran at Warwick Science Park have established a new partnership with engineering company with IET. Also in the same article WBS academics Ashley Roberts and Ioanna Iordanou gaining international plaudits for their research work

Coaching at Work – A piece about the launch of a Masters in Coaching course at Warwick featuring comments from course director Gill Frigerio, CLL

Culture - Emeritus Professor Michael Rosenthal, History of Art, is mentioned as curator for the Turner and Constable exhibition

Daily Telegraph – Professor Liz Dowler and Associate Professor Eric Jensen, Sociology, worked alongside researchers to produce a food aid report which uncovered how welfare reforms are forcing many more people to resort to emergency food hand outs
Also in: The Grocer
The Guardian
Church Times
Daily Mail
Northern Echo
Al Jazeera
East Riding Mail
Socialist Worker
Stratford Upon Avon Herald
Yorkshire Post
Milford Mercury
Coventry Times
Crewe Chronicle
Free News Pos
AOL Money
Digital Journal
Oxford Mail
Hull Daily Mail
All Voices
Biddulph Chronicle
Shropshire Star

Dental Practice – An in depth piece about the University of Warwick dental postgraduate education
Economist – An article about business schools and how they rate for their potential to network lists Warwick in the rankings

Economist – Assistant Professor Dr Weisi Guo, Engineering, is mentioned in a piece about new research which enabled scientists to send the first text message using evaporated vodka

Financial Times – Professor Richard Taffler, WBS, comments about the Birmingham City Council putting the NEC up for sale to cover a legal bill
Also in: BBC News

Global SMT – A mention of the establishment of the battery development centre at WMG in a piece about support services for UK SME nanotechnology companies

Guardian (2) – Warwick academics are mentioned briefly in an argument with the Home Office about the surveillance of International student’s immigration statuses. Professor Nicola Pratt, PAIS, comments
Also in: Free News Pos
Press TV

Horse and Hound – Warwick student Emily Wright comments on a feature about equestrian clubs and information about Warwick’s horse riding lessons

Independent – A mention of the Warwick underwater hockey team in an article about extreme sports societies

Independent – Professor Sean Hand, French studies, comments about the footballer Nicholas Anelka receiving a ban and fine after making an offensive gesture during a game
Also in: i
Free News Pos
Daily Star

Independent – Professor Dieter Wolke, Psychology, was part of a research team who have found links between children who regularly suffer from nightmares and the likelihood of psychotic disorders in later life
Also in: Boston Globe
Sunday Sun
Daily Mirror
BBC News
Western Mail
Children and Young People Now
Press and Journal
Northern Echo
New Age
Business Standard
New Straits Times
Daily Star
Net India 123
Top News
Maximum Sleep
International Business Times
Global Times
Health on the Net Foundation
Press News
Winnipeg Free Press
CBS News
CBS Atlanta
Science Codex
Herald Sun
Headlines and Global News
Nature World News
Caribbean 360
The South Asian Times
Rocket News
Good Health
Ashbourne News Telegraph
UK Wired News
Medical Xpress
Standard Digital
Web India
Medical Daily
News Track India
En Parset
Manila Times
Wiltshire Times
The New Times Rwanda
Daily Pioneer
Free News Pos
Brighouse Echo
Spy Ghana
Ming Paotor
The Star
Bright Surf
Net Doctor
Englemed Health News
Boots Web MD
Mail Online
Yahoo! South Africa
Jagran Post
Polskie Radio
Pune Mirror
Bru Direct
Top News New Zealand
Free Press Journal
Find a Therapist
My Fox DFW
Yahoo! News
Health Canal
World News
MSN Latino
WCBD News 2
Medical News Today
Sudan Vision Daily
Fox News
Prodigy MSN
ITV News
NHS Choices
Hartlepool Mail
Ashbourne News Telegraph
UK Wired News
Northern Echo
The Scotsman
Western Mail
CBS Local affiliates
US News & World Report
The Almagest
University Herald
Counsel and Heal
Science World Report
Guardian Liberty Voice
The Periscope Post
Psych Central
State Column
Health on the Net
The Standard Digital News
The Celebrity Café.com
Global Times (Canada)
Utah People’s Post
MSN Mexico
Terra Mexico
ABC Mexico
El Expres (Mexico)
News Tonight Africa
NewsPoint Africa
The New Times Rwanda
Inter Aksyon
News 39
Seoul Daily
Korea Health News
Live Science Korea
Comedy Datkeom
Pharmaceutical News
Republika Online
Berita Satu
Harian Indo
Zarinsk City Portal
Health UK
Ilta Sanomat
Libero Quotidiano
Sante log
Pourquou Docteur
La Razon
El Economista
Hechos de Hoy
BBC Mundo
Entorno Inteligente
Valencia Plaza
El Semanal Digital
Terra Brasil
Terra Chile
Wiener Zeitung
FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Gazeta Wyborcza
Nauka W Polsce (PAP)
BBC Turkce
NRC Handelsblad
Ifeng (Shandong)
Family Doctor
Clinica Space
Viday Estilo

Independent – Associate Professor Dr Sarah Moss, English, discusses creative writing education following a comment that this type of course is a waste of time
Also in: i
Book Trade

Leicestershire Builder Magazine – WBS research feature in an insight into the cost savings behind a new invoicing app
Also in: Kenilworth Weekly News

Scotland on Sunday – Research by WBS into using social media in the workplace features as part of an article about the Internet’s 25th birthday

Sunday Times – Professor Stella Bruzzi, Film and TV, comments on a profile piece about actress Sandra Bullock

The Chronicle of Higher Education – Professor Thomas Docherty, English, comments about problems with humanities subjects on a piece about the pressures on researchers to show the impact of their work

The Tablet – Professor Peter Marshall, History, is one of the reviewers on a book entitled ‘The Image of Christ in Modern Art’

Times Higher Education – Professor Susan Bassnett, French studies, features on a panel of authors offering advice about the publishing industry

Times Higher Education – Professor Derek Bosworth, IER, comments on a piece about the shortage of science and engineering graduates

Times Higher Education – Associate Professor Dr James Adelman, Psychology has secured funding for the easyNet system

Yahoo! – Professor Andrew Oswald, Economics, is mentioned for research into the housing market in a feature about the Help to buy scheme



Anglia Farmer - Warwick scientists working with the Syngenta Seeds team have discovered a mechanism to combat the MV infection in turnips. Dr John Walsh, Life Sciences, comments

Birmingham Mail - Information about the expansion of company Blanc Ltd to the Warwick Science Park’s Innovation Centre. Centre Manager Janet Bunch comments

Burnley Express – Professor Bill Murray, Physics, gave a lecture about the Higgs Boson research he was part of during a visit to the Hadron Collider

Cambridge News and Crier – A mention of a member of the Cambridge City Council attending a leadership course at Warwick

Canterbury Times - Engineering students at Warwick are building a human powered submarine to compete in a European competition. Dr Ian Tuersley, WMG, comments

Coventry Observer – A piece about the WUSAT project by engineering students at Warwick. Dr Bill Crofts, Engineering, and student Oliver Vavasour comment

Coventry Observer – A feature about the £40m aerospace scheme to safeguard jobs in Coventry has been established at the Warwick Science Park. Penny Robb, Science Park manager, comments

Coventry Telegraph – The Warwick Anti Sexism Society will be performing at three venues across Coventry in support of two women’s charities

Coventry Telegraph – A piece about ten great films that were set or made in Coventry features black comedy ‘A Very Peculiar Practice’ said to be inspired by Warwick

Coventry Telegraph – Warwick Conferences have won the award for ‘Best value for money conference venue’ at this year’s Meetings and Incentive Travel Awards. Head of Sales and Marketing Rachael Bartlett comments
Also in: Venue Masters
Midlands Business News
My Venues

Coventry Telegraph – Chancellor Sir Richard Lambert gave a talk to pupils at Whitley Academy last week

Coventry Telegraph – A mention of the opening of the WMG Academy in a feature about plans for another new south west school being announced

Kenilworth Weekly News – Lecturer Ben Hamilton has been appointed the new Director of Music for the Leamington choir, Village Voices
Also in: Leamington Courier

Kenilworth Weekly News - A piece about the unveiling of disabled access to the local woodland in Kenilworth

Kent and Sussex Courier – A feature about a Warwick student found dead in his home last year

Lincolnshire Life - Former Warwick Science Park member Tom Blout has been appointed as director of Lincoln’s Science and Innovation Park

Rotherham Business News – An article about Tata’s consideration of the University of Warwick in their new research and development location plans

Solihull Observer - A mention of National Action group protests and posters being found posted around the Warwick campus

Southern Daily Echo - A WBS study into STEM jobs is mentioned in a piece about increasing people’s interest in science and engineering

The Guernsey Press and Star – An article about Steampunk conventions discusses Japanese animation (Ayacon) events at Warwick

The Herald – A Warwick dentistry academic features in a piece about taking dental care to the developing world

Worcester News – Research by Warwick is mentioned in a piece about how singing can improve certain patients’ health issues

Thu 06 Mar 2014, 12:11