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Press Summary - June 7 - June 13

Chemistry World – Former Warwick Professor Mathai Joseph, Computer Science, comments in a piece about India’s scientific community demanding a renewed focus on science

Conversation – Dr Stephen Cullen, Educational Development, writes about the fears of having a federal Europe again
Also in: Real Clear World

Conversation - Assistant Professor Dr Michael McMahon, Economics, writes about the transparency dilemma of the European Central Bank

Conversation – Warwick Education and Industry Director, Julian Stanley writes about the improved job prospects of pupils who attend schools with links to employers

E Financial Careers – A mention of a Warwick student working as an analyst for JPMorgan

Efficient Energy – Assistant Professor Frederik Dahlmann, WBS, comments about the National Grid announcement that it will run a tender for new power balancing services

Epoch Times – Professor Dieter Wolke, Psychology, is mentioned for research into the long term effects of childhood bullying
Also in: Fox 8 News

Free News Pos – A Warwick academic comments in a piece about the ‘chatbot’ computer passing the Turing intelligence test
Also in: Investor Central

Gulf News – Assistant Professor Dr Claire Crawford, Economics, led a research team which found benefits in lowering entry grades to university for comprehensive pupils to equalise admission potential among students
Also in: The Australian
Daily Telegraph
Daily Mail
New Statesman
Hispanic Business

Indian Express – Emeritus Professor Upendra Baxi, Law, writes about why Modi government must be seen to support judicial independence

International Business Times – Warwick research into the increased demand of food banks features in a piece about the 54% increase in UK food bank use

Irish Times – Research by Professor Maria Luddy, History, into death rates of children features in an article about a change in Adoption Rights in Ireland
Also in: Daily Beast

Materials 360 - Professor Peter Sadler, Chemistry, comments about the Warwick research which has found a method for controlling the growth of metal crystals

MIS Asia – An article about Warwick using a more user-friendly SAP system in order to improve efficiency

Morning Star – WBS Dean Mark Taylor discusses Osborne’s promise to deal with the alleged rigging of the foreign exchange market
Also in: Economic Voice
Monde Visione
4 Traders

Pasadena Independent – Vice Chancellor Professor Nigel Thrift will be part of a series of British Academy events looking in to how Humanities and Social Sciences can help address global challenges
Also in: Yahoo! Finance

Phys – Warwick student Mmaki Jantjies has developed new phone software than can translate between different South African languages to provide multilingual learning
Also in: IT Online
Free News Pos

PR Newswire – Assistant Professor Suzy Moat, WBS, will be one of the participants in this year’s Behavioural Finance Forum on the subject of big data
Also in: Yahoo! Finance


The National – Professor Andrew Oswald, Economics, comments throughout an article about happiness being a state of mind

TMC Net – Professor Mark Skilton, WBS, will be on a panel of judges for this year’s Cloud World Series Awards
Also in: Computing News
CRM Xchange



Academy of Engineering – Professors Robert MacKay, Gareth Roberts and Peter Sadler, Chemistry, appeared at the RISE awards in recognition of their research

All Together Now! – Academics from WBS are calculating the real value of life. Professor Graham Loomes, WBS, comments

All Together Now! – Pro Vice Chancellor Christina Hughes comments in an article about the Hereward College students who visited Warwick to design and make devices to help with disabled students’ everyday lives

BBC Country File – University of Warwick students attended a clean-up event of the canal in Leamington Spa

Business Desk – Professor Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya, WMG, discusses the escalating property in London and how it could lead to further damages to the economy

Chamber Link – An informative article about company Barkley Plastics and the work in partnership with WMG SME team

Chemistry and Industry – Professor Peter Sadler, Chemistry, is listed as part of the International Advisory Board for a 2015 round the world satellite flight which will use solar power alone

Church Times – Revd Dr Alastair Kirk, Chaplaincy, has been appointed as Vicar of Burley in Wharfdale

Church Times – A review of the book ‘Paradise’ by Associate Professor Alison Kennedy, English

City AM – Assistant Professor Frederik Dahlmann, WBS, comments about the flexibility of electricity consumption

Daily Record - Assistant Professor Dr Michael McMahon, Economics, comments in an article about the survey which found that the Scottish economy would be worse off under independence
Also in: Courier and Advertiser
The Scotsman
Fife Today
Press and Journal

Economist – Dr Michael Scott, Classics, is quoted in a review of his book, ‘Delphi: A History of the Centre of the Ancient World’

Education, Design and Build – Information about the International Institute for Nanocomposite Manufacturing at Warwick and the benefits to the development of manufacturing technologies it will bring

Education Journal – An article about Cable’s urge for more students to visit China for work experience mentions the University of Warwick signing the memoranda to offer student exchanges

Engineer – Professor Tim Bugg, Chemistry, discusses the research taking place in conjunction with Warwick which could help produce new bioplastics
Also in: Plastics and Rubber Weekly
Edie Waste
Plastics Engineering
Foodservice Footprint
Plastics Today
Building 4 Change

Euro Money - Professor Jon Rushman, WBS, discusses Barclays’ decision to shrink its investment bank

Financial Times – Bernard Casey, IER, writes to editor in response to a previous print about the Japanese GPIF

Fundraising – Information about a former member of Warwick staff who worked as part of a telephone campaign in an article about what can be learnt from higher education fundraising

Guardian – Professor Gurminder Bhambra, Economics, writes in in support of the protests against the Thai military coup

HR Review – Professor Kim Hoque, WBS, comments about the report into the two-tick accreditation and how employers appear not to be upholding commitments to it
Also in: Recruiter
HR Magazine

Mail on Sunday – An article about the University of Warwick student bus that caught fire on the Gibbet Hill road

Also in: Coventry Observer
Coventry Telegraph
ITV News
BBC News

Metro – An article about the seven things you would only know about Warwick if you have been a Warwick student

Sunday Mirror – A Warwick Philosophy student is interviewed about their involvement in the National Action Group
Also in: International Business Times

Sunday Times – Professor James Hayton, WBS, comments in an article about employees clocking out of work early and how this could be detrimental to staff moral

Times – Professor Qing Wang, WBS, discusses the low exposures of luxury brands in China resulting in a fall in profits. Mulberry profit losses are used as an example
Also in: The Scotsman
City AM
Sales Initiative
TR Business

Female First

Times Higher Education – Professor Thomas Docherty, English, spoke at the Policy Exchange Conference this month

Times Higher Education – Professor Gavin Perkins, WMS, has been awarded a grant for research into a new health technology assessment programme

Times Higher Education – Principal teaching fellow Ashley Roberts has been nominated for an award from the Higher Education Academy

Train – Warwick research into boiling vegetables features in an article about changing cooking methods to improve their post-workout benefits

TUCO – A mention of the University of Warwick in an article about the second TUCO salon culinary awards

Who Do You Think You Are? – Emeritus Professor David Mervin, Politics, writes about the servicemen in his family



Coventry Telegraph – A mention of the WMG National Automotive Innovation Centre in an article about the Coventry Business Awards

Coventry Telegraph – An article about the WMG Academy Topping off Ceremony

Coventry Telegraph – An article about the 40% increase in profit of Science Park based company Zenzero. Centre Manager Karen Aston comments

Coventry Telegraph – The University of Warwick are taking part in a retail fair aimed to help boost businesses in Kenilworth

Evesham Journal - Warwick have secured a five year contract to host the UK Vegetable Genebank comprised of 14,000 vegetable seed samples. Pro-Vice Chancellor Professor Tim Jones comments

Ilford Recorder – Warwick student Hiran Adhia is hoping to raise £3,000 towards Meningitis research by climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

Kenilworth Weekly News – Information about the road closure of Gibbet Hill and the issues with congestion

Stratford Upon Avon Herald – Information about the Stratford Poetry Festival with a mention of Global Shakespeare, a partnership between the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust and Warwick

Stratford Upon Avon Herald – Professor Tony Howard, English, will speak at this year’s British Graduate Shakespeare Conference

Thu 12 Jun 2014, 14:13