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Ricoh Theta S 360 camera
Cost £300.
Simple to use. Two fish eye lenses arranged to capture an almost complete 360 sphere in high definition. Also has a mic. Can be mounted on a tripod.
Viewing and editing: footage can be transferred and viewed using an iOS or Android app, and then uploaded to YouTube. Or transfer by wifi or usb (faster) to a computer. Import into the Theta software to convert for viewing (a process called stitching). May then be imported into Adobe Premiere for editing (e.g. adding titles, sequences with transitions, addition sound). Export from Premiere (ensure HD settings preserved). Before YouTube upload, the Spatial Media Metadata Injector application must be used to prepare the file. Then upload to YouTube, which will recognise the file as being spherical 360. It can then be viewed using a Google Cardboard style headset.