Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling
Predictive Modelling: a Transformative Approach to Modelling in Engineering and the Sciences
The Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling (WCPM) is an interdisciplinary research centre focussed on providing a framework for the application of predictive modelling and uncertainty quantification (UQ) tools in science and engineering research. The Centre runs an MSc course in Predictive Modelling and Scientific Computing. These mathematical tools provide a powerful new way of thinking about how to model complex systems and how to translate research outcomes into improved technology and design.
WCPM was established at the University of Warwick
- To provide research leadership for UQ in the UK and worldwide, building on the best existing methodologies as well as developing new ones
- To combine UQ tools - traditionally developed in the mathematical sciences - with the application domain expertise of the physical and life sciences to produce scientific and engineering applications in areas aligned with national and global priorities, e.g. in sustainability, high value manufacturing, and advanced materials.
The director of the WCPM is Prof. James Kermode and the Centre has academic staff members from a range of departments, and enjoys close links with Chemistry, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Warwick Business School, Warwick Medical School and WMG as well as with the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Modelling of Heterogenous Systems (HetSys).
See our News and Research pages for more details.
Directions: The Centre is located in the D-block extension on the 2nd floor of the main Engineering building at Warwick.
Structure of WCPM
The Centre is structured around a core of mathematical techniques in close collaboration with researchers in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science.
Information flows in two directions between this inner core and an outer ring where the application domain expertise of researchers based in departments throughout the Faculty of Science as well as at Warwick Business School.
The techniques illustrated on the middle ring provide some examples of the approaches used in the Centre.

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Latest News
Assistant Professor in Predictive Modelling and Scientfic Computing
A new Assistant Professor (R+T) position in WCPM is now open for applications, associated with our new MSc in Predictive Modelling and Scien…
MSc in Predictive Modelling and Scientific Computing Open for Applications
Our new MSc course in Predictive Modelling and Scientific Computing is now open for applications for an October 2023 start. Full details can…
December Industry Study Group
Together with the HetSys CDT, WCPM is hosting an Industry Study Group featuring challenges from National Grid ESO and Adjacency. The event r…