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Chrome Books For Afghan Refugee Families

Do you have any old unused laptops that you no longer use?

Older laptops can be converted into Chrome Books and the aim of this project is to provide as many converted Chrome Books as possible to Afghan refugee families living in the local area but we need your help!

If you would like to help please can you:

1. Consider if you have any old personal laptops you may no longer be using that you could donate. They need to be laptops (5 years and older) and not iPads or tablet devices.

2. Ensure that the device is definitely unwanted and has been wiped of any personal information.

3. Take your device to the Student Union reception in SUHQ

4. Please include your name and contact email address along with your laptop and don't forget the charger cable!

5. Please also let your friends know if you think they might have an old laptop to donate!

What happens next?

All donated devices will be inspected and wiped clean of all data before being converted to a Chrome Book by the team of Technology Volunteers.

Once converted the Chrome Books will then be distributed to Afghan refugee families living in the local area.

If you have any questions or queries please contact
