Meet the team
This website highlights the many ways in which the University as a whole supports our region, working with regional and community partners.
The Regional Strategy and Partnerships team leads our local growth, civic and community activities in the West Midlands and supports colleagues from across the University to connect with regional and community partners.
Regional Strategy and Partnerships team
Andrew Todd
Andrew leads our local growth, civic and community activities in the West Midlands. His role includes strengthening partnerships across the West Midlands and ensuring we are embedded in our region. It also includes engaging in the development of local economic and community strategies so we can contribute fully to local economic, social, and cultural growth.
Hasina Ismail
PA to Director
Hasina provides secretarial, administrative and project support to the team. Her role includes PA support to Andrew Todd and university-wide projects working with internal and external stakeholders and providing HR, Finance and Office Administration. Easterbrook
Regional Partnerships Manager
Becky is responsible for communications for the team as well as any insight and evaluation activities including our economic and social impact assessment work and perceptions research. She also supports civic engagement activities in Coventry.
Stephanie Whitehead
Associate Director, Regional Engagement
Stephanie focuses on regional engagement, our local growth role in our region and supporting engagement with key organisations in Coventry and Warwickshire and the West Midlands. Her role includes building a clear approach to local economic development and sustainability that aligns with the priorities of our regional partners.
Martin Price
Associate Director, Regional Engagement (Community)
Martin leads our community engagement. This includes building relationships with our close neighbours around campus and working with local stakeholders where our students and staff make their homes, to make lasting, positive impacts on people and communities across Coventry and Warwickshire.
Community Partnerships Manager
This role helps lead our community engagement in Coventry and Warwickshire with an emphasis on social and cultural development. The role builds and manages partnerships with local political, statutory, third sector and community stakeholders.
Mark Hinton
Community Engagement Development Manager
Mark works across the Centre for Lifelong Learning and the Regional Strategy and Partnerships team, developing engagement approaches with Canley and with the local third sector. With the Warwick Institute of Engagement, he also encourages and develops community engagement in teaching and learning.
Geoff Willcocks
Cultural Consultant
Geoff leads on the cultural development aspects of the Regional Strategy and Partnerships team’s work. This includes creating and implementing the university’s cultural strategy and developing partnerships between the university and regional cultural organisations with the aim of strengthening the economic and social impact of the region’s cultural dynamic.