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Frontier Science and Engineering

Frontier Science and Engineering

Frontier science tackles the big questions at the frontier of knowledge. It underpins long-term development of concepts and theories that one day may lead to novel technology – from the infinitesimally small world of sub-atomic structure, via the complexity of life, to the inconceivably vast scale of cosmological phenomena.

Frontier science requires us to tread the road less travelled; to ask fundamental questions that will help us explore the limits of what we know about ourselves and our world, and identify new and unexamined fields of knowledge.

What will be the next massive breakthrough, after the wheel, steam engine, medicine, computers, lasers, genomics ...

Our research

While all science and engineering research at Warwick is at the frontier of its relevant field, this theme is focused on science for which applications may be some years into the future, or for which applications are not the primary motivation for the research.

Our research in this area could occur in individual laboratories, massive international facilities, and in space, beyond the confines of Earth.

Frontier science at Warwick encompasses aspects focused within traditional science disciplines, as well those where the research is interdisciplinary and/or multidisciplinary.