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Student Executive Committee Recruitment 2021-22

Do you want to be more involved with volunteering at Warwick? Looking to develop skills in leadership, team work and project management? Being on the Exec is a fantastic opportunity to gain new skills and help shape the future of Warwick Volunteers, whilst gaining a more in-depth picture of what Warwick Volunteers is all about. We are looking for people who have previously volunteered and are passionate about encouraging and supporting others to volunteer!

Read the recruitment process  

What are the positions?

The President has a wide variety of responsibilities primarily centring around leading on the WV strategy and being the point of coordination between all stakeholders of Warwick Volunteers. Read more


The Secretary of the Committee plays a supporting role to the Warwick Volunteers President and assists in all matters under the instruction of the President. Read more

Project Leader Support Officers

PLSOs have a wide variety of responsibilities and are the point of coordination between all student volunteers leading their own projects through Warwick Volunteers. Read more

Events and Socials Officer

The Events and Socials Officer works closely with the Publicity Officer to plan events and socials throughout the year and working alongside staff members to support key events such as Welcome Week and Volunteering Fair. Read more

Publicity Officer

The Publicity Officer promotes Warwick Volunteers on a range of platforms, online and offline. There is freedom to seek out opportunities, events, and celebrations to advertise and communicate with our subscribers. Read more

Apply Here

The current Exec will be running some information drop-in sessions via MS Teams, on Friday 15th January 10.30-11am and on Weds 20th January 12-12.30pm. During the sessions the current Exec will introduce the different roles and provide the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. We advise you to attend one of these sessions before applying for a role.


Why are we using a selection process rather than elections?

This is an initiative from the Executive Committee, for the following reasons:

  • We believe this is the fairest way to recruit new members for the Executive Committee.
  • Warwick Volunteers isn’t a student society, we don’t have to run elections to recruit the Exec.
  • Being part of an Exec is a great experience, which you can add onto your CV. As Warwick Volunteers is part of Student Opportunity, it made sense to make the recruitment something volunteers could learn from too!
  • A recruitment process gives the opportunity for all applicants to receive feedback if they wish.

How is the process different from elections?

The general process for applicants isn’t much different: volunteers will put in their application what they would put in their manifesto. The informal interview will be a chance for candidates, current Exec and member of the staff to meet and get to know each other, and see what could be a good fit.

Do I need to be a member of Warwick Volunteers to apply?

Yes. You will need to be a member of Warwick Volunteers. We are looking for people who have previously volunteered with Warwick Volunteers and are passionate about encouraging and supporting others to volunteer.

Can I apply if I am on a year abroad?

Yes. If you are on a year abroad this year but will be back by the start of the new academic year then you can still apply.

Further questions? Contact

Key Dates

Weeks 1 and 2 MS Teams
Information drop-in sessions dates and times tbc

Week 2 Monday 16th January President applications open at 9am.

Week 2 Sunday 22nd January President applications close at 11pm.

Week 3 Monday 23rd January applications for all other Exec roles open at 9am

Week 3 Sunday 29th January applications for all other Exec roles close at 11pm

Week 4 Wednesday 1st February President Interviews

Weeks 5 & 6 Interviews for all other Exec roles

Week 5 President results announced

Week 7 All other Exec results announced

TBC Exec Training Day (Online)

Any questions?