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Re/Making Home Gallery

    This Gallery has been created through a collaboration between Chrysalis Craft Coventry CIC, the Resettlement Team at Coventry City Council and University of Warwick. It includes visual artworks by people with lived experience of sanctuary who have or currently live in Coventry or the West Midlands.

    The Gallery forms part of a larger project on Re/Making Home. This includes a live event on 17 June 2021 to launch a research report on Syrian experiences of resettlement as part of the Making Home Away project. You can find out more and read the full report here. For further information please contact Professor Vicki Squire

    A painting of a house by a lake, with trees, birds and pyramids in the background.

    "My Dream Home", Habiba Israt

    Find out more about the artwork and about hear Habiba describe her painting in English and Bangla here

    A colourful and illustrative depiction of the Arabic script for Baghdad

    "Baghdad", Samah Karwi

    Find out more about the artwork and about hear Samah describing her painting in English and in Arabic here.

    An abstract image combining a portrait and a plan view of a house.

    "XAttention", Mohamed Kamal Abdullgadir Mohammad

    See the full artwork and hear Mohamed discussing his artwork in English and Arabic here

    A photo of a house reflected in a pool of oil

    "The Light Within the Darkness", Shahoo Parvin

    See the full artwork and hear Shahoo describe his artwork in English and in Farsi here.

    An outline of a house and a father dancing with his daughter against a moonlight sky.

    "Meaning of Home", Tion Merzi

    See the full artwork and hear Tion describing her work in English and in Greek here.

    An ornate carpet / tapestry

    "Home Nostalgia", Nikoo Hosseini

    See the full artwork and hear Nikoo describe her artwork in English and in Farsi here.

    A red and yellow flower on a blue background made from small beads.

    “In the memory of Grandma", Daw. Gulpya

    See the full artwork and hear Daw. discuss the artwork in English and Kazakh here.

    Two children leading their Mother up a staircase to a heart shaped oasis

    "A Mother's Role", Yanal Armanazi

    You can see the full artwork, learn more about Yanal and hear her discussing her artwork here

    " Do you know my City?", Mustafa Shams Al Deen Alrimi

    Find out more about Mustafa and hear him discuss his artwork in English and Arabic here.

    "Song about Home", Payam Motahar

    Hear Payam's song and find out more about Payam here

    There are more artworks in our 'Everyone's Coventry' Gallery - you can view that exhibition here.