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Mohamed Kamal Abdullgadir

My name is Mohamed Kamal Abdullgadir,

I am 9 years old. I was born on Oct 9th 2011;

I like to do art because it is fun, and it takes all the anger of me when I’m mad.

I was born in the UK, Coventry; my original country is Sudan.


اسمي محمد كمال عبدالقادر

احب ان أزور السودان موطني الأصلي

المنازل في السودان كبيرة و الغرف كثيرة

لدينا الكثير من أشجار الفاكهه منها المانقو و البرتقال و الجافه،

احب ان العب مع اقربائي، و اصدقائي،

عندما تشتد الحر ننام خارج الغرف نسبه لوجود الهواء الطبيعي، احب الاكل السوداني جدا و خاصة الاكلة التقليدية التي تسمى الكسرة

انا حزين لأنني لا استطيع الذهاب إلى السودان هذه السنه نسبه لجانحة كورونا.


My artwork has two pictures in one.

The first image shows a man who is my favourite artist, a very good person and supporting lots of poor people, he was a singer and died recently. In this image, he is wearing a chemical gas mask.

Also, if you look closer, you can see from the above, an airplane view of my family house in Sudan's back home country.

This image is when you leave the home country and look down from the airplane to the buildings, large houses and stairs outside, beautiful seas, and beautiful fruit trees.

The buildings that the roofs are in the shape of spheres like the top of the mosques. I always miss there.

Hear Mohammad describe his artwork in English and in Arabic below.

You can also hear Mohammad's views about the theme of home in English and in Arabic.

Mohammad Kamal Abdullgadir