Arden Cross
Arden Cross is one of the best-connected regeneration sites in the UK and has been designated as a Growth Zone.
Situated next to the NEC, Birmingham International Airport and the M42, it will have close access to railways, motorways, and Birmingham airport.
New innovative technologies can improve efficiency, productivity and quality in healthcare and there are huge opportunities for innovation to accelerate technology take-up in the NHS. That’s why we are playing a leading role in developing the new Arden Cross Innovation District, as part of the Muse and Arden Cross Limited partnership.
The District will provide a world-leading ecosystem and future-proofed home for UK HealthTech and MedTech development, with an international reach and reputation.
Warwick is ideally placed to develop impactful solutions in healthcare and to support technology adoption, and to deliver skills training to both clinical and industry workforces of the future.
We will be partnering with industry, the NHS and other healthcare providers, the third sector and researchers to bring new health technologies to the market and to establish national centres of excellence to improve patient care and outcomes.
HealthTech Campus
A new HealthTech campus will form the heart of the Arden Cross Innovation District, with cutting-edge facilities and access to innovation support. It will bring together partners from the public, private, and academic sectors.
Its key aims will be to define problems, design solutions, test outcomes, and bring new technologies and solutions to the market, drawing on the expertise of our researchers, and insight from our partners in the NHS, the UK supply chain, and beyond.
Key areas of strength at the University include evaluative science and clinical trials, data science and women’s health.
We will offer specialist training and education, backed by national centres of excellence.
As part of the campus, there will be an Education and Skills centre, a Clinical and Patient hub, and a Health Tech hub which will include incubator and accelerator spaces and support, an innovation hub, R&D facilities and industry clusters and platforms. Other platforms will include expert panels and patient and public involvement.
Further information will appear on these pages as our plans progress. If you are interested in finding out more about Arden Cross and opportunities for partnering and/or locating on site, please contact
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