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Digital Screens

big screen

Please read through the General Content Guidelines for any content on the digital screens.

PLEASE NOTE: The dimensions required for the Big Screen and smaller Digital Signage Screens are now exactly the same - 1437 x 808

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Do you have content for the Big Screen, Oculus Screens or Digital Signage Screens?

Big Screen (Piazza)

Digital Signage Screen

The Big Screen at the heart of campus provides a relaxed, community atmosphere for everyone to watch sporting and cultural activities, catch up on latest Warwick news, see what else is happening around campus and join in with live events.

See Big Screen Piazza Specifications, Templates and Guidelines

Big Screen Calendar

Oculus Screens

The Video Wall is located in the ground floor foyer of the Oculus. They provide a vital opportunity to get key communications out to staff, students and visitors alike who are attending conferences, meetings and events in the building.

See Oculus Screen Specifications and Templates

Digital Signage Screens

Digital Signage Screen

Located across campus, the landscape digital signage screens are a great way to reach a wide range of audiences.

  • 1437 x 808px
  • 16:9 Aspect Ratio
  • Image only (no sound)

See the General Content Guidelines for digital signage

Other Screens

  • The Chaplaincy, the Library and Warwick Sport control their own screens, but they use the same layout as the Digital Signage Screens.
  • The Students' Union, Retail and the Arts Centre control their own screens, with different layouts.
  • Screens in Radcliffe, Scarman and The Slate are controlled by Conferences (including the Oculus during Vacation).
  • The Digital Lab and FAB Agora screens are managed by the Faculty of Arts department.
  • The portrait screens between the Arts Centre and Chaplaincy are not currently operational.