Warwick Classics Network: Programme for 2nd July launch event
This is a FREE event for students: a day of talks by expert Warwick Classics academics linked to modules in GCSE, AS and Alevel Classical Civilisation and Ancient History curricula . It has been organised in conjuncion with Advocating Classics Education and Classics for All
Booking is essential as places are limited: please fill in booking form or contact Dr Paul Grigsby Paul dot Grigsby at Warwick dot ac dot uk or Dr Michael Scott m dot c dot scott at warwick dot ac dot uk
10.00am Introduction and Welcome by Provost of Warwick University Prof Christine Ennew
10.20am Explanation of plan for the day by Dr Michael Scott
10.30-11.15am FOR STUDENTS (split into school groups across these three talks)
Prof Alison Cooley: 'From Emperors to Slaves: Inscriptions in the Roman World'
Professor Alison Cooley will talk about the Res Gestae and its ancient and modern interpretations, and will finish with an illustrated talk on the contexts of inscriptions and buildings in Pompeii. [This talk links to: AS + A-level Ancient History Julio-Claudians (key text); AS & A-level Classical Civilisation Imperial Image; GCSE Classical Civilization Roman City Life].
Dr Clare Rowan: 'Coins and the Ancient World'
Dr Clare Rowan will introduce us to the world of ancient numismatics, focussing on the Julio-Claudians, but also touching upon Cleopatra and Roman Egypt. [Talk links to: AS & A-level Ancient History Julio-Claudians; AS & A-level Classical Civilisation Imperial Image; GCSE Ancient History Cleopatra: Rome & Egypt.]
Dr Emmanuela Bakola: 'Aristophanes Frogs'
Dr Emmanuela Bakola will talk about Aristophanes’ comedy, Frogs (the play that will also be the centre piece of our 2019 Warwick Drama Festival).[Talk links to: GCSE Classical Civilisation Myth and Religion; AS & A-level Classical Civilisation Culture and Arts / Greek Theatre (key text), Democracy and Athens (key text); GCSE Ancient History Athens in Age of Pericles; AS & A-level Ancient History Greek States 492-404 & Politics and Culture of Athens 460-399].
10.30-11.15am FOR TEACHERS: 'Supporting Classics Teaching'
What do Classics teachers really need, and how can we at the Warwick Classics Network support teachers in the teaching of Classics? This will be an opportunity for teachers to voice their opinions and concerns, and for us to learn what resources teachers really want, from online resources and lesson plans, through to school visits and the creation of a vibrant support network.
This session will be led by Michael Scott and Paul Grigsby (University of Warwick), Hilary Hodgson (Classics for All), and Arlene Holmes-Henderson (Advocating Classics Education).
11.25-12.10pm FOR STUDENTS
Prof Alison Cooley: 'From Emperors to Slaves: Inscriptions in the Roman World'
Dr Clare Rowan: 'Coins and the Ancient World'
Dr Emmanuela Bakola: 'Aristophanes Frogs'
11.25-12.10 FOR TEACHERS: 'The Digital Classroom'
A chance for teachers to discover and experience some of the pioneering technological work being undertaken here at the University of Warwick. Dr Robert O’Toole, Warwick University’s Academic Technologist, will be on hand to demonstrate his exciting virtual Reality project, used in our module Democracy and Imperialism. You will get the chance to walk around ancient Athens and Rome using our VR headsets, as well as learn about other digital projects here at Warwick, including the Oiko project portal, and learn about the growing importance of digital technologies in the modern Classics classroom.
12.10 -1.05 FREE LUNCH FOR ALL
During lunch, the students will be given the chance of walking the streets of ancient Athens and Rome with our VR headsets, and to discover more of the fascinating work being undertaken here at Warwick.
1.10-1.55pm FOR STUDENTS
Prof Alison Cooley: 'From Emperors to Slaves: Inscriptions in the Roman World'
Dr Clare Rowan: 'Coins and the Ancient World'
Dr Emmanuela Bakola: 'Aristophanes Frogs'
12.45-1.55pm FOR TEACHERS: Cheese and Wine, and 'Introducing Classics'
An opportunity for teachers and Heads of schools interested in introducing Classics to meet with representatives of ACE, CfA, Warwick Classics Network, as well as with those teachers currently teaching the subject, to discuss what help is available for introducing Classics to the school curriculum, and how we at Warwick can provide a helping hand in this process.
As well as an informal chance to chat over cheese and wine, there will also be a discussion led by Michael Scott and Paul Grigsby (University of Warwick), Hilary Hodgson (Classics for All), and Edith Hall and Arlene Holmes-Henderson (Advocating Classics Education).
2.00-3.00pm FOR EVERYONE: Prof. Michael Scott: 'Delphi: centre of the ancient world'
Professor Michael Scott (BBC’s ‘Who Were the Greeks’, ‘Invisible Cities’, ‘Delphi Belly Button of the Ancient World’) will take us back to ancient Delphi, home of the famous oracle, and the religious centre of the ancient Greek world.
[Talk links to: GCSE Classical Civilisation Myth & Religion; Women in the Ancient World. A-level Classical Civilisation: Invention the Barbarian; Greek Art; Greek Religion. GCSE Ancient History: Persian Empire; Greek source ‘depth studies’. AS & A-level Ancient History: Greek City States 492-404 (and all 3 depth studies)].
3.00-3.30pm For Everyone: Feedback Discussion and END
An opportunity for teachers and students to give feedback and voice any questions raised during the day, with a chance to win prizes.The day is provided free of charge (including lunch). Parking is available on campus.
- Classics Engagement Assistants with DBS certificates will be on-hand throughout the day to accompany the students during the lectures and at lunch, enabling teachers to leave their students in the Classics lectures while they attend the teachers’ discussions sessions.
- The day is provided free of charge (including lunch).
- Free Parking is available on campus.
This event will act as the launch of the Warwick Classics Network - a new initiative funded by the University of Warwick to help support and facilitate the teaching of Classical Civilisation and Ancient History in schools in the West Midlands and beyond.