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About AshLI

AshLI (Ashmolean Latin Inscriptions Project) was funded by the AHRC, 2013-2017. It was led by Alison Cooley (PI, University of Warwick), in collaboration with Susan Walker (Co-I, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford), Paul Roberts (Co-I, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford), and Charlest Crowther (Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents, Oxford). Project researchers included Jane Masséglia, Hannah Cornwell, and Abigail Baker.

We offer online educational resources for schools and have collaborated with the Ashmolean Education Department to design the gallery session, Latin Language Adventure for primary schools.


More news from Classics and Ancient History at Warwick

New Omnibus article

'Augustus’ endless empire' by Alison Cooley just published in Omnibus 87, the magazine for schools

Congratulations to May Robinson

Many congratulations to May Robinson, current 2nd-year undergraduate, for reaching the final shortlist in the Classical Association’s 2023-4 "CA X Bloomsbury" Competition, for her poem ‘Pomegranate Juice’.
