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The noticeboard contains details of upcoming events, recent publications, and more, related to the history of parenting and parenthood.

Article: Stephen Cullen, 'The troubled relationship between the state and parents', The Conversation, 14 January 2016.
News: 'School grades 'linked to where you live'', BBC News, 12 January 2016.
Article: Dr Matthew Smith, 'Rethinking Methylphenidate in Childhood ADHD', Psychology Today, 8 January.
Exhibit: Playing with History: Bodleian's New Collection of Board Games and Pastimes, 8 January - 6 March 2016, Weston Library, Oxford.
Workshop: The Graphic Evidence of Childhood, 1760-1914, Workshop on the Graphic Evidence of Childhood, 1760-1914, 15 April 2016, Durham University
Conference: Horrible Histories? Children's Lives in Historical Contexts Conference, Thursday 16 and Friday 17 June 2016, King’s College London

