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The Iconography of Power: Ceremonial Entries in Renaissance and Early Modern Europe


The Society for European Festivals Research, in association with the Universities of Bergamo, Pisa and Warwick invites proposals for posters to be presented at the conference 'The Iconography of Power: Ceremonial Entries in Renaissance and Early Modern Europe' to be held at the University of Bergamo, 25-27 May 2012.

Ceremonial Entries to capital and other cities took place across Europe in the Renaissance and Early Modern periods, a a means of expressing power relations and establishing communication between royal, ducal, civic and ecclesiastical authorities and their subjects. A common performance iconography, written and visual grew up, modified by local histories and current circumstances. The conference wil deal with Entries in a wide European context, emphasising the period 1500 - 1650, and questioning the political, economic, and artistic motives of, and the political outcomes for, the kings, dukes, civic rulers, popes and bishops who prmoted them. Attention will be paid to the individual administators, scholars, artists, designers and performers, some of them among the leading practitioners in Europe, who devised and implemented the ceremonial programmes.

We welcome poster proposals dealing with any of the above or similar themes, particularly from PhD candidates and early career researchers. The conference is an excellent opportunity to present findings or ideas, and to engage in debate with academics from across Europe.

Poster proposals should consist of an abstract of the poster content (250 words maximum) and a brief CV including a description of current research (400 words maximum). These should be sent to Linda Briggs ( The closing date for applications is 31 JANUARY 2012.

Successful applicants will be informed of the outcome by 31 JANUARY 2012, at which point further information will be sent regarding the format to be used in creating the posters. For futher advice, do not hesitate to contact Linda Briggs at the above email address.

Mon 10 Oct 2011, 12:05 | Tags: Bergamo posters, current