Ukraine, Belarus and the Complex Geopolitics of Europe

WUB-HUB conference 2025:
Ukraine, Belarus and the Complex Geopolitics of Europe
Provisional Agenda Only (timings, titles and descriptions are all subject to change)
1130:Welcome Lunch
Including an exhibition of books and project outputs from WUB-hub and our partners
1230: Welcome and Keynote Addresses
1315: Getting to Grips with Europe’sComplex Geopolitics
This panel will showcase research activities funded by WUB-Hub’s seed funding competition, which is linked to the conference theme.
1400: Peace in Ukraine and the Wider Region
The US president’s approach to global politics marks a sharp break from past orthodoxy. Commentators have been fumbling for an appropriate label for the new era in US foreign policy. Is an enduring peace imaginable for Ukraine in the current situation? What does it mean for the future security of Europe?
1530: Coffee Break
1600: Belarus – A Thorn in Europe’s Security?
As co-aggressor in Russia’s war against Ukraine, Lukashenka’s Belarus is viewed more than ever as a vassal state of Russia. Does Belarus have a significant role to play in European security or will it remain a persistent and under-addressed problem for the foreseeable future? Can Belarusians repair relations with Ukraine despite Lukashenka?
1730: High Level Roundtable–Sustainable Peace and Democracy in the Coming Multi-Order World
How can we expect peace and democracy to flourish in the geopolitical environment of wider Europe? Are peace and security prerequisites for resilient, enduring democracy in Russia’s shadow? This closing, high-level panel will address the next steps for policy makers and other stakeholders in the east European region.
1830: Reception

WUB-HUB Conference 2024: For more information about our previous conference on "EU Integration Prospects for Ukraine and Belarus," held on 28th June 2024, please refer to the link below. The event gathered international decision-makers, experts, and thought leaders to discuss the future of Ukraine and Belarus within the context of European Union integration.
Click here to learn more about the sessions and speakers from the event.