How the Awards Work
Because nominees for the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS) will usually be selected from winners of the Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence the awards are designed to fit with the criteria of the national scheme.
The awards are operate in two stages:
Stage One Nominations
- Nominations may be submitted by both students and staff. In some instances staff may wish to nominate themselves for an award.
- Once you have identified someone you believe fulfils nomination criteria 1, complete the either the student or staff nomination form ensuring that you follow the guidance provided in the form. Alternatively you can complete the online nomination form.
- The form should be signed by the appropriate Head of Department. If you are a student you are advised to approach a colleague of the person you are nominating to help you complete the form or have support for your nomination from at least 3 other students.
- Return the form to the Learning and Development Centre either electronically or via email:, ext 75761 or through internal post to Linda Pettifor.
- A panel of judges will evaluate all stage one nominations and select up to 10 nominees to proceed to the final round. All nominees will be contacted at this point to be informed of the outcome.
- The deadline for nominations from students will be Monday 12th December.
- The deadline for nominations from staff will be Friday 13th January
Stage Two Finalists
- Once you have been informed that your nomination was successful you should complete the Finalist Supporting Statement form, ensuring that you follow the guidance provided.
- Your supporting statement should be no more than 3000 words and should address all three criteria in more detail.
- Your Head of Department will also need to provide a supporting statement of 500 to 750 words
- Return the form to the Learning and Development Centre either electronically to ext 75761 or through internal post to Linda Pettifor.
Winners will be notified of the panel's decision, and the announcements will be made on this website and through Insite.
The winners will be invited to attend the summer Degree Congregation to receive their awards.
A reception is held in the following Autumn Term for all winners and commendees.
For further information please contact Jess Humphreys (; ext.73109)