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Melissa Colloff and Divya Sukumar win the 2016 Psychology PhD Student Publication Awards

Congratulations to Melissa Colloff and Divya Sukumar for winning the 2016 Psychology Student Publication Awards! The awards worth of £100 were announced and presented on Friday 19 May, during the closing session of the Psychology Postgraduate Research Day. Melissa is supervised by Kim Wade and Divya is jointly supervised by Kim Wade and Jackie Hodgson.

This is what the judging panel said about the award-winning publications:

Colloff, M. F., Wade, K. A., & Strange, D. (2016). Unfair lineups make witnesses more likely to confuse innocent and guilty suspects. Psychological Science, 27(9), 1227-1239.

"The study used a sophisticated and careful experimental design to examine an important real life issue from a theoretical perspective. An impressively large sample size gives more strength to the study's results which potentially will have important practical implications for improving the lineup construction practices in the police force."

Sukumar, D., Hodgson, J. S., & Wade, K. A. (2016). Behind closed doors: Live observations of current police station disclosure practices and lawyer-client consultations. Criminal Law Review, 12, 900-914.

"A great example of interdisciplinary observational fieldwork that draws on research in the fields of both psychology and law and on four weeks of observations of police disclosure practices before and during custodial interviews of legally represented suspects. The results of the study help us to better undertand the nature of police practices in the disclosure of evidence and assess the potential risks of those practices to more vulnerable suspects or to suspects without legal representation."
Mon 22 May 2017, 09:02

Call for proposals - Improving Police/Public Relations and Police Diversity

The Open Society Initiative for Europe has published a call for proposals on Improving Police/Public Relations and Police Diversity.

The call for proposals is available here and more details on their website.

Tue 02 May 2017, 09:34

National Custody Forum - 16-17 May 2017

We are hosting the National Custody Forum in May and look forward to welcoming police officers and staff to campus!

Sat 22 Apr 2017, 10:42

New Publication: A mega-analysis of memory reports

COPR member, Dr Kimberely Wade, has co-authored a new paper published in Memory!

Tue 13 Dec 2016, 10:44

Body worn video project now on The College of Policing research map

Centre for Operational Police Research member, Sharda Ramdewor, is conducting research on the impact of body worn video (BWV) on stop and search in England and Wales.

Sharda's reearch is now included on the 'What Works?' College of Policing research map.

Click here to see the project on the research map.

Mon 14 Nov 2016, 17:59

Cross Faculty Networking Lunch: Policing

2 November 2016

A cross-faculty network event for Warwick academics involved in policing research took place on Wednesday 2nd November, chaired by Professor Jackie Hodgson. It brought together researchers from Psychology, Law, PAIS, Economics, WMG, Applied Linguistics and Modern Languages & Cultures. The aim of the event was to enable researchers to share contacts and identify opportunities for future collaboration, as well as facilitating discussion on the challenges and opportunities of policing research.

The event was great success. Thanks again to all of those who took part!

Tue 08 Nov 2016, 07:15

"We don’t buy crime": COPR Smartwater technology project is on the map!

West Mercia Police and Warwickshire Police have engaged the Centre for Operational Police Research to undertake a large-scale collaborative research project: "We don't buy crime". The research—conducted by Dr Kim Wade, Prof Jackie Hodgson, Prof Neil Stewart and Dr Kevin Hearty—is now included on the 'What Works?' College of Policing research map.

Click here to see the COPR Smartwater project on the research map.

Click here for further information about the Smartwater project.

Tue 01 Nov 2016, 08:06

New Publication: Behind closed doors - live observations of current police station disclosure practices and lawyer-client consultations

Divya Sukumar, Prof Jackie Hodgson & Dr Kim Wade's forthcoming publication on live observations of police station disclosure practices and lawyer-client consultations in the Criminal Law Review is now available to read online here.

Drawing on recent observational fieldwork as well as existing research studies in the fields of law and of psychology, this article examines the nature of police practices in the disclosure of evidence before and during custodial interviews of legally represented suspects. Whilst police pre-interview disclosure to lawyers was a fixed practice, the format of disclosure varied and lawyers were rarely permitted to inspect the evidence, relying instead on the officer’s account. Disclosure was sometimes provided in stages, either as a deliberate tactic or when evidence was lacking. Officers occasionally exaggerated the strength of their case to suspects and resisted providing more detail to lawyers – an approach that seemed designed to elicit an admission from the suspect. In line with past research, lawyers relied on the evidence that police disclosed when advising clients before the interview and occasionally argued with the police for more disclosure. Taken together, these findings suggest that police are complying with the minimum disclosure requirements set out by legislation, and that police may be more open with lawyers than previous research suggests. Some of our findings warrant concern, however, and raise questions about risks to vulnerable suspects in custody and risks to suspects without legal representation.

Thu 27 Oct 2016, 07:14

Research by Divya Sukumar, Associate Prof Kim Wade, & Prof Jackie Hodgson featured on the College of Policing website

What Works? Research by Divya Sukumar, Associate Prof Kim Wade, & Prof Jackie Hodgson has been featured on the College of Policing website:

To read about more policing and crime reduction research, or to add your research to the College of Policing map, click here.

Mon 24 Oct 2016, 07:26

Cross Faculty Networking Lunch: Policing

Wednesday 2nd November 2016, 12-2pm
Venue: S2.77 (Cowling Room) , Social Sciences

This event is to share information on current projects and collaborations relevant to policing and policing research at the University of Warwick, and to help develop future research ideas. It will be chaired by Professor Jackie Hodgson.

Click here to register for this event.

This networking event is supported by the Centre for Operational Police Research (COPR), the Faculty of Social Sciences and the ESRC Impact Acceleration Account.

Fri 21 Oct 2016, 07:55

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