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Professor Jackie Hodgson To Chair Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons in Custody Event

On Wednesday 12th October, Professor Jackie Hodgson will chairing the "Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons in Custody: Minimising the Risk of Death in Detention" event in central London organised by Public Policy Exchange.

For more information about the event, please click here.

For the event flyer, please click here.

Wed 14 Sep 2016, 08:47

New publication: Strategic disclosure of evidence - Perspectives from Psychology and Law

A new publication by Divya Sukumar (PhD student, Psychology), Professor Jackie Hodgson (Law), and Dr Kim Wade (Psychology) exploring perspectives from psychology and law on police disclosure has now been published in Psychology, Public Policy, and Law.
The article brings together the opposing research and arguments from the two disciplines of psychology and law, and suggests a new way forward for future research and policy on how the police should disclose evidence.
Wed 17 Aug 2016, 21:11

New publication: The timing of police evidence disclosure on custodial legal advice

The new publication by Divya Sukumar (PhD student, Psychology), Professor Jackie Hodgson (Law), and Dr Kim Wade (Psychology) considering how the timing of police evidence disclosure impacts custodial legal advice has now been published in the International Journal of Evidence and Proof.

Drawing upon data from 100 criminal lawyers in England and Wales, the paper highlights the importance of pre-interview evidence disclosure for lawyers advising suspects at the police station.

Wed 17 Aug 2016, 21:01

New publication: Fair lineups for suspects with distinctive features

Melissa Colloff (PhD student, Psychology), Dr Kim Wade (Psychology), and Deryn Strange (John Jay College, CUNY) have a new publication. Their paper "Unfair Lineups Make Witnesses More Likely to Confuse Innocent and Guilty Suspects" has just been published in a leading psychology journal, Psychological Science.

In a study containing almost 9000 participants, the authors compare three fair lineup techniques used by the police with unfair lineups in which nothing was done to prevent a distinctive suspect from standing out. The paper highlights the importance of constructing fair lineups for distinctive suspects.

Access the press release here:

Access the paper, here:


Wed 27 Jul 2016, 08:03

Society of Evidence Based Policing Conference - Overview

Wednesday 22 June 2016, Scarman House, SEBP Midlands Regional Event at the University of Warwick

The most recent Midlands regional SEBP event, supported by Warwick University’s Centre for Operational Policing Research (COPR) and Warwick’s ESRC Impact Acceleration Account funding, Nicky Miller (representing the College of Policing) and EMPAC, was hosted at Warwick University on 22/6/16.

Read more information about the event here.

Sat 02 Jul 2016, 07:26

Society of Evidence Based Policing Conference - 22 June 2016

image The Centre for Operational Police Research is delighted to be hosting the Midlands branch of the Society of Evidence Based Policing regional annual conference on 22 June, 2016. COPR has obtained some funding from the Warwick's ESRC Impact Acceleration Account to host the conference which will look at how research can be used to inform policing best practice and policy.

You can find the Full Programme here.
You can find the Poster here.
Fri 03 Jun 2016, 20:59

Evidence Based Policing Workshop, at the Shard

COPR are hosting an Evidence Based Policing Workshop on the 13th July at the Shard from 10am-4:30pm. It is a networking event aimed at academics, policy makers, and police, with talks on predictive policing, behavioural science of policing, custody, decision making, and cyber security.

Thu 02 Jun 2016, 12:58

New publication: Disclosure and Custodial Legal Advice

Divya Sukumar (PhD student, Psychology), Professor Jackie Hodgson (Law), and Dr Kim Wade (Psychology) have a forthcoming publication: an interdisciplinary empirical report entitled 'How the timing of police evidence disclosure impacts custodial legal advice'. Drawing upon data from 100 criminal lawyers in England and Wales, the paper highlights the importance of pre-interview evidence disclosure for lawyers advising suspects at the police station.
Access the full report here:
Fri 18 Mar 2016, 14:48

Conference on Policing and Public Confidence - March 29th, 2016

Prof Kevin Morrell is organising a conference on the topic of public confidence in policing on 29th March 2016. The event is sponsored by the British Academy and by Warwick Business School. Because it is a small venue this event is invitation only, but contributions will be recorded and made publicly available on the conference website (also look out for #confidenceagenda2016).

The audience will mainly be academic researchers studying policing or public management and governance, there will be some police officers with interests in public confidence and people from civil society and the world of policy.

To register an interest in attending please email kevin dot morrell at wbs dot ac dot uk briefly explaining your interest in policing and public confidence.

Please visit the conference website for more details:

Thu 17 Mar 2016, 09:46

New Publication - Interrogating Young Suspects II

The second volume on safeguards for young suspects has been published. It is the result of a large-scale research project funded by the European Union and with the participation of researchers from five jurisdictions, including COPR member Prof Jackie Hodgson. The project consists of a comparative empirical study of the different legal procedural safeguards in place in Belgium, England and Wales, Italy, Poland and the Netherlands.

The first part of the research project resulted in the publication of 'Interrogating Young Suspects - Procedural Safeguards from a Legal Perspective' (Panzavolta, M., de Vocht, D., Van Oosterhout, M. and Vanderhallen, M. (eds) (2015) Intersentia). The second volume has now been published: 'Interrogating Young Suspects: Procedural Safeguards from an Empirical Perspective' (Panzavolta, M., de Vocht, D., Van Oosterhout, M. and Vanderhallen, M. (eds) (2016) Intersentia). This second volume contains the results of the empirical research conducted in the five Member States consisting of focus group interviews and observations of recorded interrogations. These country reports are followed by an integrated analysis and a set of guidelines.

Both volumes are available on the project website under project publications

Sat 27 Feb 2016, 12:32

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