Howard Dalton Centre

Aims of the Centre:
Interdisciplinary, cross-scale mechanistic enzymology of bacterial cell wall research in silico, in vitro, and in vivo, with a focus upon translation to help tackle antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
Retain expertise within Warwick as a centre from which to train the next generation of researchers, nationally and internationally.
Develop closer links with industry and joint research with other centres of excellence in antimicrobial research, and AMR science policy, to advance translational research.
Establish the Centre as internationally recognized for AMR focused mechanistic enzymology based on the excellence of its research, training, and impact.
Discover more about the centre and about our approaches to research:
- Collaborative research
- Capabilities
- Working with industry
- Global research

Launch of the Centre
On Thursday 20 October 2022, a launch event was held for the Sir Howard Dalton Centre for Translational Mechanistic Enzymology at the University of Warwick. The event was attended by Dr David Stirling, his former classmates, Sir Howard’s family and former colleagues and members of the antimicrobial resistance research community. Press releaseBenefactors
The University of Warwick will be pleased to discuss a range of recognition opportunities to celebrate donations to build upon antimicrobial research at Warwick, and to train the next generation of researchers. If you would like to find out more information or discuss these opportunities further please contact us via or visit our contact page.
United Nations Multi-Stakeholder Hearing May 2024 Request to Member States (51:15)
£1.5m donation from the GB Sasakawa foundation driving joint antimicrobial resistance research in the UK and Japan. Press Release
HDC will convene with NCGM a high level workshop in Tokyo March 4/5th to explore UK Japan collaboration to tackle AMR discovery and training with policy in the context of future pandemic preparedness. Updates on funding support, partnerships and press release to follow.
THE FUTURE OF ANTIBIOTICS - New Partnerships for Antibiotic Discovery and interviews from opinion leaders addressing
1 Policy perspective. How can scientists engage to inform national policy to support antimicrobial discovery, training and pandemic preparedness?
2 Research perspective. How can institutions and third sector organisations work with academic groups to deliver effective translation from fundamental scientific advances?
3 Government perspective. How can governments lever investment in major national infrastructure and research funding to help deliver sustainable medical countermeasures and pandemic preparedness?
4 International collaboration. What are the advantages and challenges of international co-operation to enable sustainable efforts in antimicrobial discovery, training and pandemic preparedness?
A “zinc” in the armour: could metal help combat common superbug?
A new study has shown that zinc plays a key role in a hospital superbug, that doctors struggle to treat due to its resistance to antibiotics. Press Release
New study into Tuberculosis membrane molecules will aid drug delivery
TB rivals covid-19 as the biggest infectious disease killer of humans, claiming millions of lives each year. Now, ground-breaking research from the Universities of Warwick and Toulouse has identified a new method to help tackle this global issue. Press Release
Useful Links
Contact us
Sir Howard Dalton Centre, IBRB, Floor 2, Primary Lab West
School of Life Sciences, Gibbet Hill Campus, The University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL