Knowledge Mobilisation
Our HPRU is committed to enabling the translation of advances in health protection research into benefits for patients and the public via our Knowledge Mobilisation programme which is led by Professor Noel McCarthy from the Warwick Medical School.
As a cross-cutting methodological HPRU, our main focus is to develop and support the implementation of methodology that is useful to, and used by, subject area specific HPRUs, subject specific units in UKHSA and the Core Bioinformatics and Information Services units in UKHSA.
Our method development projects are combine identified user needs and expert vision for coherent, methodologically optimal, scalable tools. This includes collaboration with the planned user base, wider stakeholders, and our PPIE and External Advisory groups to ensure a broad input into our research. We are collaboratimg with other HPRUs to ensure that tools we develop are relevant to HPRU needs and priorities, and to support colleagues in implementing them.
Open access high quality software implementations of methods, with clear user guides and example datasets are another approach that we are using to support knowledge mobilisation. Through our Interface and Implementation research theme we work with users to establish accessible interfaces for the range of users that we expect to benefit from our products. We present our work at both methodological and applied public health conferences to get broad international feedback as well as linking the HPRU work into our extensive existing international academic and public health institution collaborators. We develop training events for stakeholders supporting the best use of our outputs, and use this training experience to guide interface improvements and where appropriate development of on-line training to support the impact of our work. We are exploring opportunities through the NIHR dissemination team on how to engage policymakers in understanding the role of genomic analyses in providing evidence for public policy. Many members of the HPRU already have close working relationships with UKHSA and several have employment histories in UKHSA and the NHS. We additionally have appropriate honorary contractual arrangements for UKHSA staff at the universities and joint posts. We appoint HPRU staff and students with contractual arrangements that allow work across institutions.
We evaluate our success in knowledge mobilisation across the HPRU and select some as case studies of the impact of the work and the specific knowledge mobilisation approach taken. Mobilisation of research findings aligns well with UKHSA’s remit to provide evidence to inform public health policy, practice and services and we are linking with their Knowledge and Evidence team through the HPRU knowledge mobilisation network.
Another video explaining knowledge mobilisation with examples from health protection research is available from the Health Protection Research Unit in Behavioural Science and Evaluation.