Student as Producer: Reinventing the Undergraduate Curriculum
An international conference at the University of Warwick
Thu 20 - Fri 21 September 2007

Research-based learning has become an important issue for undergraduate teaching and learning in the UK. The promotion of research-based teaching for undergraduates as part of their formal and informal curriculum is increasingly recognised as an important way to enhance the student learning experience.
The Reinvention Centre for Undergraduate Research, based jointly at the University of Warwick and Oxford Brookes University, is at the forefront of developments in research-based learning both inside and outside of the curriculum. A key aspect of the work of the Reinvention Centre is not only the practical and grounded work it is doing with students and academics, but the contribution it is making to the critical theoretical debates about the nature of the contested relationship between research and teaching.
Key features of the conference were that it:
- featured both academic and undergraduate research as well as research produced collaboratively with students and their teachers
- critically explored the methodological and theoretical issues that underpin and/or undermine research based learning, and investigated the problems and possibilities of research based learning
- benefited from the creative involvement of Talking Birds, a company of artists who specialise in acts of educational reinvention and transformation.
Conference Programme
Thursday 20 September
10:30 – 12:00 Arrival and registration
12:00 – 12:30 Launch of Reinvention: An E-Journal of Undergraduate Research
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 13:45 Welcome from Dr Mike Neary, Founding Director of the Reinvention Centre
13:45 – 15:00 Keynote speech from Professor Steve Fuller (University of Warwick)
15:00 – 15:30 Coffee
15:30 – 17:00 Breakout: Research Groups
Parallel session 1a |
Parallel session 1b |
Parallel session 1c |
Chris Rust and Pete Smith (Oxford Brookes University)
'Reinventing the Undergraduate Curriculum: The Why and How of Undergraduate Research'
Patrick Ainley (Greenwich University)
'Not reinventing the wheel by learning from the experience of independent study at the polytechnic of East London' |
Rob Johnson (University of Bath)
'From Scenario-based learning to production of knowledge?' |
Jon Marks (Farnborough Sixth-Form College)
'The Extended Project at A-Level: The Farnborough AQA Trial' |
Anne Gerritsen and Thomas Miller (University of Warwick)
'Students producing early modern global history' |
Julian Moss and Jenny Bradfield (University of Warwick)
'"But are we allowed to?" Quality Assurance and reinventing the curriculum'
Ruth Ayres (University of Warwick)
'Does research-based learning fulfil its aims to provide "added value" for those undergraduates who participate in research-based learning activities, such as Undergraduate Research Scholarship Schemes?'
Irene Macias (University of Bath)
'"Inclusionality”"and the collective constuction of knowledge' |
17:00 – 17:30 Plenary session
18:30 – 19:00 Drinks and Talking Birds Event
19:00 Conference Dinner
Friday 21 September
09:30 – 11:00 Breakout: Research Groups
Parallel session 2a |
Parallel session 2b |
Parallel session 2c |
David Metcalfe (University of Warwick)
'Practical considerations in publishing undergraduate research'
Matt Badcock (UCE Birmingham)
'Does popular education make a difference?: Dialogue amongst HE students and lecturers'
Richard Huggins and John Kelly (Oxford Brookes University)
'The Tower Hamlets Summer University project' |
Laura Jenkins and Sabine Little (University of Sheffield)
'Widening participation in student publications'
Cath Lambert (University of Warwick)
'A pedagogy of participation' |
Vicki H.M. Dale, Donald Palmer and Stephen May (Royal Veterinary College)
'How a research-based, non-clinical learning programme in veterinary science changed the career aspirations of students with previously strong ambitions to become veterinary surgeons'
Hannah Bradby (University of Warwick)
'Get Over It: a new work published by undergraduate students of Sociology'
Claire Bishop (University of Warwick)
'History of Art: Art, participation, teaching' |
Byron Mikellides (Oxford Brookes University)
'Architectural Psychology in action' |
11:00 – 12:00 Coffee and poster presentations from undergraduate researchers
12:00 – 13:00 Keynote speech from Eric Newstadt (York University, Canada)
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:00 Breakout: Research Groups
Parallel session 3a |
Parallel session 3b |
Parallel session 3c |
Mike Molesworth and Lizzie Nixon (Bournemouth University)
'How an open, online space failed to change the performances of Higher Education'
Carol Wolkowitz and Phil Mizen (University of Warwick)
'Visual Sociology' |
Christina Hughes, Anne-Marie Kramer and Maud Perrier (University of Warwick)
'Plaisir et jouissance: Productions of pleasure in the undergraduate curriculum'
Becky Kiddle and Ian Bentley (Oxford Brookes University)
'The City as a Social Learning Space'
Laura Home (University of Warwick)
'Oral History: reflections on a student-led workshop' |
Elisabeth Simbuerger (University of Warwick)
'The student as producer: More than a student experience'
15:00 – 16:00 Talking Birds replay and refreshments
16:00 Close
PDF version of conference programme