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Open-space Learning

Open-space Learning in Real World Contexts was a project funded by the Higher Education Academy's National Teaching Fellowship Scheme 2009-11. The OSL project, as it has come to be known, brought together three NTFs from Education, Creative Writing and E-Learning at the CAPITAL Centre, a CETL exploring creativity and performance in teaching and learning, to develop and embed new forms of creative pedagogy associated with workshop practice and collaborative learning in flexible teaching spaces. Since summer 2010 it has been hosted by Warwick's Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL).

The project was led by Professor Jonothan Neelands, Institute of Education and Warwick Business School.

(PDF Document) Bid to the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme, 2008

(PDF Document) OSL Evaluation and Impact Assessment Report, 2011

(PDF Document) Impact Assessment, Learning and Development Centre, 2011

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