History > Community engagement
National community
Public Engagement: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/history/chm/outreach/
The research centre for the History of Medicine claims to use its research and area of study ‘to engage with the local community and the public at large’. It exemplifies three projects.
- Medical History, Immersive Museum Theatre, and ‘The Last Women’
A collaboration between the Centre for the History of Medicine and the Coventry-based Triangle theatre company. -
The Coventry and Warwickshire Hospital Project
Utilising the closure of Coventry and Warwickshire Hospital in Coventry City Centre, and the Hospital’s relocation to a new purpose-built ‘super hospital’, the project encourages discussion in the local community about the history of the hospital, the changes in the NHS, and the future role of hospitals in communities. -
Coventry Education Business Partnership Centre for Health and Social Care
Partners on this project include University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust; The Coventry Teaching Primary Care Trust; Coventry Local Education Authority; CSWP Connexions Coventry and Warwickshire; local schools and colleges; and the Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership for Care. The partnership has been successful in creating work-experience placements and other opportunities for young people.
There is great engagement within the local community, it is unclear however, whether this engagement involves Warwick undergraduates.
There are no schemes shown on the undergraduate history pages for students to engage with the local community.
Warwick University's Community
The Group Project: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/history/undergraduate/modules/hi153/group_project/
Students are expected to engage within Warwick’s history community through working with each other to produce a group project in Year 1.
Department of History SSLC: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/sunion/sslc/arts/history/
Students also have a voice within the academic community through the SSLC.
International Community
The opportunity for foreign study enables students to engage with international communities and cultures.
The Venice Programme: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/history/undergraduate/international/veniceprogramme/
Students on the Venice Programme have access to the language courses from the University Ca’ Foscari and its library. Equally students from the Italian university may attend Warwick’s classes in Venice on History and History of Art; allowing Warwick and Italian students to engage with each other.
Studying Abroad: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/history/undergraduate/international
Students can apply for the Erasmus scheme to study in another European institution or the North American Exchange Programme to study in America, thereby engaging in international communities.