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Small Grants Fund (Warwick)

The application deadline for the final round of Small Grants Fund awards was 1 June 2010. No further applications are currently being accepted as our funding from HEFCE is due to cease in August 2010. We are currently working on sustaining the Centre's activities beyond this date, however, so if you would be interested in applying for a Small Grants Fund award in future, please contact us at the address at the bottom of the page.

Undergraduate students at Warwick were eligible to apply for up to £750 from our Small Grants Fund in order to undertake research projects.

SGF proposals were required to address the Centre's Working Principles, which are:

  1. Consolidating the ties between teaching and research
  2. Expanding undergraduate research activities
  3. Redesigning the spaces within which students learn
  4. Disseminating knowledge about research-based learning

To be eligible for funding, a project had to be an original piece of research work which was the idea of the student. It should not have been, for example, a piece of work which a tutor required a student to write or a dissertation, either optional or compulsory. Funding was not available for internships or work experience.

One of our principal criteria for funding projects was the inclusion of a realistic dissemination plan: we expected students to be able to present the findings of their research in a number of different ways. Further detail of this and other requirements can be found in the:

Funded students who are preparing their project reports should read the:

If you have any queries, please email